Reverse Q&A

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Alright so the next chapter is going to be a major turning point in the story, yayy.

Only problem is I'm having writers block like usual 😅😅😅😅

And I've never did this kind of Q&A before, but in this type, it's where I ask you questions, and you guys answer.....

I'm still not done with the questions you guys asked the characters yet, which I will get back too. So, if you have anymore questions for the characters, I suggest you going back on the Q&A page to ask them.

Okay so the questions I really want to ask are, and please inline comment:

1. Should Iman go to the ball?

2. If she does go, should she invite anyone? And who should she invite?

3. Should she invite Toni?

4. What should she wear?

5. Should her and Justin talk?

6. Should she avoid him?

7. What kind of drama should happen at the ball?

8. How do you think Justin would come back to his senses?

9. Should Justin mention Iman in an interview? And if so, what does he say?

And that's basically all the questions I have. I can't really update unless these are answered because they are key to making the next updates good.

If I have any additional questions, I'll just re-publish this again. So don't get excited if you see an update from me today lol.

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