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-no one-

After taking a sip of her soft drink, Iman hummed, feeling the breeze in the soft air, and she swished her feet in the cool water.

"Are you finding everything to your liking?" Nadia asked as she walked up to Iman, looking down at her.
"Yes, thank you." Iman gave the young girl a smile and returned her gaze back to the water.

Oh how glad she was to be back.

A few minutes later, Iman then felt another presence and she turned around, seeing her fiancè come and sit behind her, Iman now sitting in between his legs.

"So you finally want to join me?" She asked him. Justin laughed and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her.

"I just finished everything I'm supposed to, I'm all yours for today." Justin kissed her cheek.

"I hope you're not just saying that..." Iman said unconvinced. Since she's cane back to the palace, Justin's been really busy, even though he said he'd be free. She really wanted to spend some much needed time with him.

"I promise..." He said. Iman turned her head, and Justin met her lips, kissing them. "I'll take your word for it." She smiled.

"You miss me?" Justin chuckled, teasing her. Iman nodded her head, not feeling ashamed at all. "Very much..." Iman played with his hands.
Justin couldn't feel anymore happier. To know that he was missed by Iman, and that she deeply craved for him, meant everything to him at this moment.

"Is there anything you want to do, today?" He asked, kissing on her shoulders. Iman was well aware Justin was very affectionate, and didn't mind the act at all, even in the presence of the maids that were amongst them outside.

"I just want to spend time with you. That's all."
Justin chuckled and held her tight to him. "I understand." He whispered to her. "Do you want to go inside?" He asked her.

Knowing where Justin was getting with this, Iman smiled. "Not yet, maybe in a little bit."

"Where are Jaedon and Janice?" He asked her. He hasn't seen them since this morning.
"They're watching a movie with your mother." She replied simply.

Justin nodded his head and rested his chin on her shoulder, closing his eyes.

"Pardon me," Iman looked up and saw the same maid from before. "Your royal highness, may I take your glass?" Nadia asked doing a small curtesy.
Iman took and lifted her glass, giving it to the girl.

The King and Nadia made a brief awkward eye contact before he quickly averted his eyes elsewhere.


"They are meant to be. You two thought I was just running my mouth." Molly huffed, as she wiped the table that the royal family often sat at when at the pool.

"Ha, I never doubted you. I've never seen the King so happy. He won't leave that woman alone for a damn second." Samantha laughed at the end.

She was so happy for them two. Just a couple months back, they were discussing something like this.

"I don't think Iman knows how much power she holds." Molly started.
"The King serenaded her at his own birthday celebration...I was there serving so I know." She says again.

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