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No one
-the next day

"I honestly can't believe him sometimes. Jaxon can be so immature." Autumn cringed, making Iman laugh and put her drink down.

Their bonding time was interrupted when Iman saw her phone shaking, and heard the familiar buzz of her phone as it lied on the glass table.

Iman reached over and took her phone, holding it face-up and looking at the notification she was getting. It was yet again another call from Justin.

Iman's happy expression didn't change. She just casually sat the phone back down as if it were an everyday thing.

"Very, he still hasn't changed." Iman playfully rolled her eyes, going back to the conversation about Jaxon.

Autumn notices and frowns, "You're not going to answer it?" She knew who it was.

It was obvious. The King had been ringing Iman since he left to Switzerland and Iman let it buzz every single time.

Iman shook her head, "No. I want to avoid him as much as possible." Iman crossed her arms, ignoring the phone as it buzzed once again on the table.

She was so disappointed and angry with Justin. She felt that if she talked to him now, she would blow up. Not knowing how to feel about it, Iman kept most of their fight to herself. She didn't want to go into details with her friends, and especially her brother. That would only lead to their father finding out and the last thing she wanted to hear from him was an 'I told you so'.

It hurt her to know that maybe they were right. Maybe he hadn't changed, and maybe she fought tooth and nail for their relationship for nothing. Not dismissing all the good times they shared with each other, it was the lies that she couldn't see past. Justin continues to lie to her, and would've continued to, had she not caught on to his deceit.

Knowing how persistent Justin could be, by the fifth time he called, Iman decided to mute her phone.

Autumn could see their relationship ending quickly as soon as it just started and wondered what would become of them.
Seeing that Iman was still angered after Justin left for Switzerland, she could tell that there was going to be a major change happening.

It was only a matter of time now.


It's been nearly two days since Justin left for Switzerland. Iman has managed to calm down some, but not enough that she still wasn't upset.

She was at least tolerable to ignore him blatantly. As grew closer for Justin to arrive back at the palace, Iman grew more and more agitated and tense. The twins were excited to see their father again, and as customary, it is considered tradition to wait at the entrance of the palace for the King's arrival.

Standing at the entrance, all quiet Iman grew more and more agitated as time went by. She did not want to see him. And she did not want to engage in conversation with him at all.

The twins bounced on the balls of their feet as they noticed a black van pulling into the gate. Pattie stood next to her youngest son, Jaxon, and smiled lightly, leaning her head on his shoulder, as the car drove through the long driveway.

"Ma, you're so dramatic." Jaxon said rolling his eyes.

Autumn stood awkwardly next to Iman, secretly wondering how she would react to seeing Justin again since their fight. Which, judging from how Justin looked after coming out the room he wanted to go in so much, was bad.

Once the van stopped in front of the entrance. The doors opened, revealing a plethora of bodyguards, all whom have surrounded Justin until he reached his family. The twins screamed excitedly, "Daddy!!", running up to him, they screamed in unison as they reached their father's warm embrace.

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