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No one

"Are you okay?" Toni asked Iman as she applied the lotion to her body. She had just gotten out the shower and Toni called to make sure she was doing fine.

"Never better." Iman mumbled.
"That's the spirit." Toni said.

"You planning to do anything today?"

"Actually I'll be pretty occupied today." Iman started. She slipped on her panties and bra. "Justin decided today was a good day to bring over the kids. So, I'll be spending however much time I can with them."

"Well that's good. Try to make the most of it?" He asked.
"Nothing less." Iman said putting on a grey sweater and matching pants.

Iman looked at the time. "They should be here any minute-" the doorbell ringed. Right on the dot.. She said in her head. Justin was always on time.

"Speaking of, they're here. Toni I'll call you back?" Iman asked fixing her bed and beginning to go down the stairs. "Sounds like a plan." He said and hung up.

Iman smoothed down her sweater and sighed. She opened her door to reveal Justin's straight face, she looked down and saw Jaedon and Janice with happy expressions. "Mommy!" She heard them and then she soon felt arms wrap around her legs. "Hey you two." Iman said trying to move to the side so Justin could come in.

Justin's eyes took in the nice interior of her home. Justin payed close attention to detail when he was outside, and he did the same when he was looking around now.

"We missed you.." Jaedon said still not letting go of his mom. "Yeah." Janice said as well. "I missed you guys, too. Mommy was very upset until she saw your cute, adorable faces, you know?" Iman said making them giggle as she kissed both of their cheeks. 

Justin noticed the large painting on one of the walls. It was the focus of the room More so. You just couldn't walk into this house and not see the picture. It was of Iman, so of course it looked really good to Justin. Whoever made it did a good job.

"Oooh Jaedon look," Janice patted Jaedon's arm. "What Janice?" Jaedon asked his sister. She pointed to the painting on the wall of their mother. "Look at mama. Mama that's you!" Janice said still pointing at it.

"You're right baby, it is me. Do you like it?" Iman asked going into the kitchen to get the twins some snacks.

"Yeah, it's very pretty." Jaedon answered. The twins still continued to look at it. Soon enough they ran up to the wall so they could be closer to it.

"Who drew it?" Justin asked.

Hearing Justin's voice almost made Iman jump. She was shocked by his question too. "A friend of mine.." She said quietly.

"Speaking of, " Justin got up from a chair. "I need to talk to you." He said loudly this time so Iman could hear him.

"What about?" Iman asked him, opening a cabinet. "You'll find out." Justin said walking down a hall. Iman sighed and went around, following him. The kids looked at her. "Don't worry, me and your father just need to talk." She said to them.

They returned back to looking at the various paintings on the wall.

When they got to a good area, Iman pulled on the end of her sweater as she stood uncomfortably in Justin's presence. He was just so intimidating and there was just this unfamiliar aura around him that scared Iman.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now