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No one


Iman felt the tension between the two men and cleared her throat, grabbing the king's hand. "Let's go to the dining table. My mom and the twins are already there." She whispered to Justin.

Iman saw her dad tal

Iman noticed her dad. His eyes brows were raised and he turned around seeing Iman and Justin.

"Your father.." Justin said. Iman could tell he just wanted to exit this home right about now.

"Come on," she said bringing him to where her dad was standing. Justin gripped her hand in nervousness and Iman squeezed it back to reassure him he'd be fine.

"Daddy, here's Justin." Iman smiled at her dad, Reintroducing Justin to him. She felt Justin's tenseness radiating off himself and onto her.  Michaels eyes slowly shifted from his daughter, to Justin.

Justin gave a small smile and reached out his hand for Michael to shake. "It's nice to meet you again, sir."
Michael gave him a tight smile and rejected the handshake, making Justin's smile falter.

Iman gave her dad a look. "Dad," she whispered.

"It's okay," Justin muttered to Iman before nodding his head to her father and turning around to enter the dining room.

Iman's attention shifted from her father's to Justin. "I'm sorry Justin."

"It's fine," he gave a small smile. "Are you sure?" I asked him.  He just took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it. The action alone made her feel all warm inside.

Iman then cringed at a memory that popped in her head. She gripped his hand in hers and stood on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear.

"We are not having a repeat of last time.."

He looked confused. "What?"

"Remember that one night we had dinner with my parents and you couldn't keep your hands to yourself?" Iman whispered raising an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips.

Justin chuckled and then gave her a seductive look.

Iman rolled her eyes and went to the dining table.


On one side of the dining table, I sat and Justin followed, sitting next to me. The twins sat together, my parents sat together, and Maria and Daniel were together.

To say that there was a lot of tension would be an understatement. After saying grace, we began to eat.

"Well this is nice, isn't it?" Mom smiled, passing dishes filled with delicious food, around the table for everyone to take a turn. Daniel scoffed, "I didn't realize family dinners included ex-husbands." My breath caught in my throat as the silence took over the dining room.

I scowled at Daniel before quickly changing the subject, "Mama, wasn't there something you wanted to ask Maria?"

"Yes, I wanted to know more about your family, sweetheart, I feel like I hardly heard about them." Mom eyed Daniel, making some of us snicker across the table. Maria smiled, holding in her laughter, "I wonder why. Well, my mom was a school teacher and my father owns a music shop." Mom smiled, "Music? Does he just own music or does he own instruments as well?"

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