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"Justin, if you don't put me down right now!" Iman chuckled, failing miserably to keep her stern composure.

"I don't want to put you down, Iman." I smirked as I carried her to our room. "Justin." Iman said firmly. "Yes, my love?" I grinned, gently laying her down on the silk sheets.

"You're not getting any." She laughed, scooting away. I groaned. "But I've been a good husband."

I remembered this moment. This was one of the many times my wife loved to tease me and then turn me down when I wanted sex. It was a common thing and I began to think that was one of the ways she liked to piss me off. I'm a man, and I have needs. And she knew that.

But at the end I didn't really care, it was one of the many ways we were playful together.

Iman raised an eyebrow at me."Iman, you've been teasing me all damn day." I whined, climbing on top of her. "I haven't been teasing you, you're just horny."

I playfully glared at her, making her laugh and wrap her arms around my neck. "You've been teasing me." I mumbled against her lips. "What are you going to do about it?" She smirked at me, pulling at the end of my shirt.

I left feathery kisses from her neck, down to her collar bone. "Have you screaming my name, what else?" I said taking off my shirt and going back down to capture her lips with mine.

*end of flashback*

My eyes opened and I turned on my side just staring at the wall. I let out s long breath before running my eyes.

I miss her..

I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't continue to sleep alone, couldn't continue to act as if I didn't care, I couldn't bare with the absence of my wife anymore.

I needed her next to me, I need to feel her presence, I wanted to hold her and touch her, I needed to tell her how much I loved her, and how much I regret what I did to her.

But then I thought, I didn't deserve her.

I knew I didn't deserve her. After what I put her through, I didn't. Deep down I knew I didn't.

My mother's birthday was tomorrow, or should I say, today. Knowing that Inan would be showing up here soon, I needed to make things right between us.

Even if she were to spill her drink on me, I needed to have patience and make sure I got to say everything I needed to.

I missed the good times, the sad times, even the bad times between Iman and I. I'd do anything to relive those moments again.

Picking up my phone, I dialed Iman's number. I just needed to hear her voice again.

We didn't really talk that much through phone since what happened. But I did however treasure the few times she read my messages, or picked up my calls.

I knew it was the middle of the night, but I was really hoping Iman would be awake, and pick up my call.

"Justin." I heard a tired voice.

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