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-Two days later-

Lying here, next to him in our old bedroom seemed almost surreal. When the twins asked that I sleep over so that they could have breakfast with me in the morning, I jumped at the chance. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy my parents' company or anything like that but since the dinner, I've felt a little uncomfortable. I didn't know what my father was thinking once it was all said and done and I really worried that he was disappointed in my choices. I didn't want to be around to see that look on his face so I came to the palace to, oddly enough, escape.

"When are you moving in, Iman?" Justin asked me, looking up at the ceiling. I smiled and faced him. "After my parents leave." I've actually been thinking of moving in for awhile, I just couldn't at the moment because my parents came to visit.

Justin pecked my ear and wrapped a secure arm around me.
"I know now why you wanted patience with me. I tend to be overzealous with things sometimes." He says making me snort lightly, which earned a smile from Justin.

"I just want you to be happy, Iman." He looked at me with loving eyes.

"I am, Justinian." Justin wrapped his arms further around me and pulled me to his bare chest. I placed my hand over his arm.

It almost started to feel like old times, back when the beginning of our marriage, we were still so new to everything.

But I know we can't go backwards, only forward. And that's the only way I want it to go..

"You're happy with me?" Justin asked unsure. I turned my head, facing him. "Very." I said and closed my eyes, giving him a long kiss on the lips.

Justin nipped at my bottom lip as I tried pulling away, Causing me to giggle. "You make me so happy..words can't describe how you make me feel.." Justin said softly as he started placing kisses on my neck. His kisses travel to my shoulder, and then back up to my jaw. "Mmm Justin..." I said and smiled, pushing away from him.

"Justin I'm tired." I chuckled making him playfully roll his eyes and turn away.
He started pretend punching the pillows.

I covered my mouth, laughing so hard. It wasn't that he was frustrated that made his actions funny, but how funny the whole situation was.

"Justin," I laughed, touching his shoulder, to get him to turn around but he didn't budge.

"You're no fun..." He muttered.
"I love you, Justinnnnn..." I sang and placed a kiss on his back.

"Yeah right." He said, still being petty.
I rolled my eyes.  "I promise I'll make it up to you."

He didn't say anything. I chuckled and scooted closer to him and wrapped my arm around him, feeling the warmth radiating off of him. "I love you, Justin."

"Je t'aime aussi, mon cheri." Justin said half asleep.
Translation: I love you too, my dear.


My lips parted and then I giggled. "S-stop Justin," I said with my eyes still closed, tired.

I still felt a tickling sensation between my legs followed by something wet moving up and down my.....
I opened my eyes and found Justin's head in between my thighs, flicking his tongue against my womanhood.

I moaned and clenched the sheets, glaring at him. "I'm m-mad at you for ruining my sleep, but a-at the same...time...this feels so g-good." I said arching my back a little.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now