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No one

"Iman, what is up?" Jaxon chuckled as he sat next to his sister in-law at the dining table. He was trying to lighten up the mood.

"Could be better." She said. "Aww cheer up. You're ruining my mood." Jaxon playfully said to her. Iman cracked a small smile.

When the twins came, Iman and Jaxon helped them get situated in their chairs. Justin showed up, sitting at the head of the table, Iman was supposed to sit on his left but she didn't. She decided to stay where she was and be comfortable.

Plus, there was definitely tension between them.

The maids came and served the family, some of them surprised to see Iman and smiled at her, Iman smiling back. She was actually very well liked. Who wouldn't like such a beautiful and kindhearted person?

Even though some of the maids liked her, the younger ones especially still made passes at Justin. She didn't mind though, if she were them, she would probably, but not likely, do the same.

After the food was blessed, they began to eat.

The twins fed eachother occasionally. It was actually very adorable. Iman remembered them actually trying to prove they didn't need her help.

Jaedon smiled as he saw his mom looking and noticed how far apart his mom and dad was and he narrowed his eyes. He usually saw them together...

"Mama?" He asked Iman. She looked at him with his smile.

"Why you far from daddy?" He asked. Janice also saw this and made an "O"shape with her lips.

Jaxon and Autumn cringed, Jazmyn kept in her snicker, and Pattie raised both of her eyebrows.

Justin shifted uncomfortably and Iman grinned. "I just don't feel like it today, babe."

Jaedon shrugged his shoulders.

"Iman thank you for joining us for dinner. I'm so sorry for him." Pattie said referring to her son.

Justin just rolled his eyes.

"Anyway how is everyone's day?" Pattie asked waiting for responses from everyone. "Tiring." Jazmyn said.

"I feel like I drank too much tea." Jaxon said shaking his head.

"Lovely, thank you for asking" Autumn answered wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Lovely." Iman said repressing her feelings.

Pattie noticed that Justin  hadn't answered. "King," pattie said.

Justin stopped frowning and looked at Iman even though she wasn't even looking back. "Great except for the fact that the love of my life wants to divorce me."

Pattie widened her eyes.

Iman raises an eyebrow. "Now I'm the love of your life? You're really funny you know that?" She asked.

Pattie and everyone sat there shocked.

Pattie looked between them. "Is this true?"

What. The. Fuck..Jaxon thought.

"unfortunately.." Justin muttered. He's really trying to avoid Iman's icy eye contact.

"This is unbelievable. I can't believe this." Pattie said bewildered. What in the world was happening between them two? Where did they go wrong? This was too much. She couldn't process all this.

Autumn is shocked but not at the same time. She had a feeling Iman had something up her sleeve when they walked in the garden.

It was painful however, watching a couple who couldn't get enough of each other, go through this.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now