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Movie might took a complete turn after a few minutes.

My body laid exhausted beneath his. "Justin..." Justin kissed at my neck, my collarbone, my shoulders and then finally my lips.

I kissed back, not being able to stop myself from enjoying it this time. I couldn't lie to myself any longer, I enjoyed every moment of this night, and it was with the right person.


-two months later-

After what happened between Justin and I during movie night, we've been on even better terms.

We've been going on several dates and I think it's safe to say we've been dating for two months.

Our relationship has just been between us though, the people around us don't know how close we are.

At this point we even have joint custody of the twins. I honestly couldn't even be more happier than I am at this time. It did take a lot of convincing for Justin to get me to go back to court with him.

A lot....

But we got that settled and I'm happy we did.

I rubbed Jaedon's back as he coughed. I was walking around with him in my arms. My little baby is sick.

He may be exaggerating some of his symptoms, but he's still sick. Janice is sleeping and I didn't want Jaedon's coughs to wake her up.

"Give me the details darling." My mom said over the phone, chuckling.

"We're on better terms now..i'll just leave it at that."

"Anything interesting lately?" She asked curiously.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend last week. I told him I rather not put a title on us yet." I told her. I cringed just thinking about him asking me that.

He's really bold , I'll say that much.

"Why not, Iman?" She asked as if she didn't understand.

I sighed. "It wouldn't feel right. I mean, we got divorced and then I'm going to have to call him my boyfriend and he calls me his girlfriend? Doesn't sound right."

"Hm, that makes sense."

"knowing Justin, in a bout a month or two he might propose to me if I accept that. He's very fast." I told her. There was not a lie in which I just told her.

My mom let out a genuine laugh. "Mama you know it too." I chuckled.

"Oh Jesus. Didn't he propose to you under a year?" She asked me.

"Yes he did. In 9 months to be exact."

"Stop playing games with this man. You know he'd do anything for you."
"I know that. But in all honesty, I'm not playing games. Justin and I even discussed this." I defended myself.

We were upstairs and I went into the kitchen to prepare some tea for Jaedon to drink.
"So what are you going to do?" She asked me.
"I'll just see how things turn out."

My mom laughed. "That's nice and all but I meant what are you going to do about my poor child Jaedon? His coughing is disturbing me."

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