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"Who said you could leave?" Justin asked as he turned over and saw Miranda slipping on her panties and bra.

"Oh um, I thought you'd want me to be going now." Miranda said and nervously laughed.

Justin waved his hand back so she could come back to bed. "Stay a little longer." He smirked.

Miranda grinned and moved her hair to her other shoulder. "Are you sure?"

Miranda just came back into the king sized bed and layer with Justin. He put his arm around her and she snuggled into him.

The truth was, Justin knew he was going to feel lonely when Miranda left. He didn't want to endure that feeling so he thought her staying a little bit longer in bed would help.

In all honesty he hated sleeping alone. And Miranda in his bed made quite the difference.

He was actually trying to imagine Iman in his arms right now instead of Miranda. It kind of wasn't the same though. Miranda touching him wasn't the same, her kissing him wasn't the same, the sex last night wasn't the same.

Usually with Iman he'd take his time to savor the moment, but with Miranda lady night, he just really needed a release, so everything was rough.

"What are you thinking about? You seem really stressed out.." Miranda said noticing his expressions.

My ex-wife Justin wanted to say but he didn't.

"Nothing, it's okay."

"I can make you feel better if you'd like." Miranda smirked at him. I guess that would take my mind off things. Justin thought.

He got on top of Miranda and smirked leaning down to her ear. "Ready for round two?" He asked her.

Miranda bit her lip as she looked at him.


"Oh hey Autumn, how are you?" Iman asked closing the door behind Autumn as she walked in.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I just came here to check on you." Autumn said. "Oh okay..well if you must know, I'm doing better." Iman said looking down and they both sat down in the white comfortable looking couch.

"Are you sure, Iman?" Autumn asked her friend. "No not really." Iman said telling the truth. "But how was the ball?" Iman asked her, changing the subject.

"It was great I guess. But for the most part, very annoying." Autumn rolled her eyes. "How so?" Iman laughed.

"There were so many show offs. Like I get it, I don't need to walk by every other person and hear them bragging about how many mansions and cars they've bought. "

"Oh yes, I remember those kind of conversations." Iman said knowing what Autumn was talking about.

"There were also a lot of snobs. I don't think I can ever get used to those people."

"I've learned to just deal with it. You can't escape them." Iman said.

"Last but not least, the women."

"Oh here we go." Iman cracked a small smile.

"I never thought I'd find my own sex so annoying. Iman, they were everywhere. What really annoyed me was the fact that even when Jaxon and I were standing together, they'd still walk up to us and literally flirt with him in my face."

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