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*warning: filler*


For the first time since me and Iman's divorce, I think it's safe to say Ive had the best night and sleep of my life.

Not only did I make love to my beautiful queen, but I had her wrapped in my arms and laying right next to me.

I've missed her so damn much and having her laying naked next to me, is such a blessing. I began to have flashbacks of last night and I couldn't stop smiling.

It's just something about making love to her..even during rough sex she just gives me this rush. Every time we had sex it was like we were making love for the first time.

We never got tired of each other.

What made me even more happy was the fact that even though we've been apart for awhile, she still didn't let anyone access her body. She was still mine.

I know I didn't hold up to my part well...I may have been quick to share my sheets, but I wasn't quick to share my heart with someone else.

My heart is and always will be with Iman. I love this woman to death.

As I nuzzled my nose into her neck and pulled her closer to my body, I felt her pull away from me making my eyebrows knit in confusion. "Iman, are you awake?" I asked her, letting her go.

Iman quickly turned to face me and when she did, her eyes widened and she looked like she was about to panic. "Justin." She said quickly.

"Iman, are you okay?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at her.

Iman lifted the covers a little and peaked in and when she looked up, she looked so shocked and disappointed. "No, no, No, no...." She took in a sharp breath.

"D-did we.." She asked fretful and scared.

"Iman why-"

She immediately got out the bed and started picking up her clothes from the floor. "This w-was such a m-mistake, oh my God." She said slipping on her robe.

Her voice sounded like she was about to break into sobs.

"M-mistake?" I asked, feeling like a thousand knives stabbed my heart repeatedly.

I slipped on my underwear before getting out of the bed as well, going to walk up to her.

"Stay away from me." She said lowly, backing away from me.

"Iman, what's wrong?" I asked , proceeding slowly.

"I-I didn't mean too." She said, her voice cracking as she looked down. "You didn't mean to what?" I asked her.

"What we did! It was a mistake and-oh my God, what did I just do?" She asked herself, paving back and forth.

My heart was aching. "I can't believe this."

Iman was fanning herself as tears raced down her cheeks. "You regret what we did last night."

Iman didn't say anything. She continued to ignore me. "After we made love." I continued, growing angry.

She stopped and looked at me. "Call it what you want, Justin."

That was enough to break me into pieces. "You're bullshitting me right now! You asked me to make love to you. Those were your words, Iman. This is literally like a slap in the face. We gave our all to each other last night and you say it's a fucking mistake?!" I asked her.

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