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*warning: filler*

No one

That night

Even though Nadia was positive she wasn't pregnant, the situation she found herself in made her nervous and feel like she was.

Nadia bit her lip as she waited for the results. No matter what the results were, she was told to tell Iman. She exhaled deeply and grabbed the first stick, beginning to read the results.


That alone gave her enough courage to take the other two, and luckily they were just as the first.

As she waited again, she began to think of how good of a person Iman is.  She wondered even if she was pregnant, if Iman would still help her.

Nadia actually didn't want to find out though, she just wanted to stick with the fact that she is not pregnant.

Nadia disposed of the pregnancy tests and breathed in and out, making her way towards Iman's bedroom again.

She knocked on Iman's door and it opened revealing her face.

"Uh, your grace, the results came and they're all negative." Nadia said, vowing her head before looking up.

Her demeanor hadn't changed since the first moment Nadia came in so she could interrogate her. She did however, look a little bit more relaxed.

"Thank you." Iman told her, simply. There was a lack of emotion in her tone. Little to none, actually.

Nadia quickly nodded her head and laced her fingers together.

Iman exhaled through her nose, just trying to calm herself down. "I just needed to know. If your results did come out positive, it would have made my departure from here, much much more easier." She admitted.

Nadia bit her lip as she listened. "But anyway, you should go. We shall leave very early in the morning to get you situated. Oh, and I will send for you." Iman told her.

"Thank you, I am very grateful. Thank you, your grace." Nadia said sincerely. She knew she didn't deserve this act of kindness from this woman, but she found herself in this graceful moment.

Iman gave her a small smile that masked over her pain, and softly closed the door.



"This is where you'll be staying, Nadia." Iman said simply as Nadia took slow steps further into the new apartment.

The interior was already furnished, and there was more than enough space Nadia was used to in her room she used to share with her friend, Cecelia.

Nadia's heart thumped fast against her chest and she felt her eyes beginning to burn. She was so bottled up with emotions and she felt so thankful for right now. "Th-thank you so much."

Iman looked down and didn't say anything.

"I'll be paying for your living costs, and I've already erased your family's debt...I just want you to focus very hard on your education. That's the only thing you're working for right now." Iman said gently, avoiding looking in Nadia's way.

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