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^^Ysham Jackson as Daniel^^

*one week later*

"There is literally nothing on television..." Autumn said as she leaned back into her boyfriends chest, flipping the channels.

"I don't really watch television that much. I'm...spontaneous. I like to get out more." Jaxon chuckled playing with her hair.

"You have no choice but to go out more. You're a prince." Autumn laughed.

Jaxon rolled his eyes and snatched remote from her hand.

"You're just mad."

"Whatever." He grinned and decided to put the TV to a news channel. "Really Jaxon?"

"Hush you, the news is very important." Jaxon said wagging his finger at her. "Okay baby." Autumn laughed.

"That's the thing everyone is trying to find out, actually. How could such a perfect relationship just...collapse?" A news reporter asked as others nodded their heads.

"I knew they'd start talking about this. It's bullshit but I want to hear what they have to say." Jaxon said relaxing abit. Autumn shrugged her shoulders.

A ginger haired woman decided to speak up. "We must keep in mind though, just because a relationship looks good on the outside doesn't mean it is in the inside. The King and former queen were under a microscope. Of course they couldn't show their downs in their marriage." She said.

"Susan you're right. What's interesting though is Iman's interview before the divorce. Looking back on it now, I begin to wonder...maybe there was foreshadowing in there?"

"Oh most definitely." They all agreed.

"Now how are the people of France reacting to this?" The head correspondent asked with a grin.

"A lot or almost everyone is bewildered actually. Who would have thought Justin and Iman would split?"

"Not me." Jaxon muttered.

"Social media has constantly been blowing up actually so it's easier to obtain what the mass is thinking. There are three types of people right now."

"What are the three types of people, Susan?"

"There are the ones that believe Iman divorced Justin to get his money.."

"Bullshit. She didn't ask for a damn thing." Jaxon shook his head.

"The ones that think it's actually good the royal couple divorced,"

"Why would anyone think that?"

"Some of the French people have actually been very concerned. You see, as we all know...Iman isn't French born...neither has she lived long enough here to know our history and things such as that. She was a simple girl who came here from abroad and worked in a cafe.  A lot of people are critical about that. They actually think Iman was slowing down Justin's performance as a king."

Autumn and Jaxon shook their head.

"Lastly, there are the ones that enjoyed their queen and and King together. They believe Iman complimented Justin well and that Iman was doing very good things as a queen."

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