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"I honestly never knew you could write like this..." Justin said flipping a page in the book Iman recently published.

"Neither did I...." Iman said beginning to think about it. Justins head was laying on her lap as she softly combed her fingers through his hair. The two of them were I the sunroom at the Royal palace, basking in each others presence and company.

"I know you love reading, but I never knew you would publish your own book. But I'm proud of you." He said to her, reverting his eyes back to her face.

Iman chuckled and leaned down kissing his lips. "Thank you." She said pulling away.

Iman used her other hand to pick a grape out of the bowl that was on the glass table beside them.

Iman looked at him as he continued to read. "Was I that whipped?"' Justin asked her as he furrowed his eyebrows at the page.

"Maybe so.." Iman giggled.

"I don't think I was that whipped over you.." Justin smirked.

Iman looked at him with a knowing expression. "Justinian." She said and chuckled.

"Iman." He smirked again.

"If I had asked you to jump off a cliff, you'd probably do it." She said giving an example. Justin would literally do anything for her. Even to this day he still would.

"Mmm not quite."

"Just keep reading, Justinian."

Justin smirked and looked at her. "I love it when you call me Justinian." He bit his lip.


"Prince Michael has nothing on me.." Justin whispered.

"Right, Iman?" Justin asked after She didn't say anything.

"Yes, Justin." Iman playfully rolled her eyes and grinned.

A few minutes passed and Justin was still reading. Iman decided to look at the beautiful view the backyard of the palace has to offer, but quickly got tired of the sight and started falling asleep.

" We were so in love Iman...." Justin said out of nowhere.
He grabbed my hand and lifted if to his lips, kissing it while looking in my eyes.

"I think we still are. Iman leaned over and kisses his lips. When she pulled away, Justin had an evident frown on his face.

"What's wrong, Justin?" She asked him for the first time in awhile.

He just shook his head, not wanting to create tension. "It's nothing."
Iman pouted and squeezes his hand. "Justin, you can tell me. I want us to feel comfortable with each other. Remember?" She ashes him.

He sighed and looked anywhere but her.

"I can't take being with you like this. I can't take not being able to call you mine." He let out truthfully. Iman stayed quiet and listened to him.
"Being a king or being Royal all my life, I'm not used to things being so close but too far. They're always in my reach-" Justin said but was cut off by a noise.

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