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No one

"Daddy, daddy where is mama?" Jaedon asked tapping Justin constantly.

"I miss mommy!" Janice said starting to cry and ball her fists.

"She's coming." Justin said sighing..

"When, daddy?! Where's mommy.." Janice whined and stomped her feet more. She hasn't seen her Mother in a long time and she didn't understand why.

Thank God she's coming today. Justin said in his head. "She's coming today, okay?"
"R-really?" They asked in unison. "Yeah..it's okay." They were getting really annoying with asking for Iman, but they'd get used to it.

"Daddy can you play with us? Pleaseeeee." Jaedon said pulling his hand. "I'm-"
"Please?" Janice said doing the same.
"Okay alright. What do you want to do?"
"Let's play with snowball." She smiled.


"Yeah. Mommy gave us the doggy you gave her. Remember? It's white." Jaedon said eager to go outside.
"Oh.." Justin said remembering.

"Come on, daddy. Let's go...." Janice pulled him.


"What?" Iman asked tiredly into her phone.
"Damn. Good morning though." Toni laughed.
"Good morning Toni.." She sighed.
He bit his lip. "How are you feeling?" He asked her. "I'm feeling better than yesterday..but I'm happy cuz today I get the privilege to see my own kids.." Iman felt lightheaded.

"He's an asshole for doing that to you. I still can't believe that."
"Me neither..but I don't want to...talk about him."
"Right sorry, I just wanted to check on you to know you're doing okay,"
"I'm still miserable, thanks for asking." Iman flipped over her pillow. It was drenched in tears from last night.
"Okay I'm sorry. Thanks for checking on me. It means a lot. Thanks again."
"No problem at all, I should let you go now. Have a good day with the twins. Don't be stressed."
"Thanks, good bye."

Iman sighed dragging herself from her bed. Once she stood up, she immediately felt like going back to her bed. She was just not feeling it today as much as she wanted to. She had to remember though, she was getting to see her kids today, and that was her only motivation.


Iman kind of felt uncomfortable stepping out her home because that's where she's been in comfort for the past two weeks.

It also felt awkward walking back into the palace. Not much has changed but what she once called home was now foreign to her. It also brought good and bad memories.

She got a lot of looks from the palace staff. The maids, the butlers...guards...everyone was shocked she was actually here.

She wouldnt even be surprised if they missed her.
Judging by how the staff was acting, she
wondered how the family would react.
Even though she wasn't Queen anymore, people still bowed to her in respect. 

"Iman dear, is that you?" She heard a familiar voice. Iman was actually startled by it. She turned around and saw it was Pattie. "P-Pattie."

"Yes, darling it's me!" Pattie smiled as she walked closer to iman. "I've missed you so much, how are you? I'm so sorry for-"

"I-I'm fine, thank you. A-and uh it's okay.."
Pattie noticed many many things were off about Iman. She was so nervous, seemed very insecure with herself, and timid. Not to mention, unhealthy.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now