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*what the palace looks like by the way*


The next morning, I woke up with even more confusion and even more doubt than ever. My thoughts still lingered to what happened yesterday. I wasn't really expecting my ex-husband to show up at my door or confront me like that.

In all honesty, I was scared. He just rudely barged into my home and not only demanded that I stop seeing Toni, but kissed me as well...

I didn't know what to do or could even process what happened. To me unfortunately, the kiss felt right, but I knew it was wrong.

After he left I couldn't help but to burst into tears. I couldn't really find a specific reason why, but I guess it was all the emotions that I was keeping in and not being able to suppress anymore, come out.

I felt really weakened and ashamed because I felt like I let him win, in a way. I wanted to stand my ground and not show weakness but in the end I kissed him back.

I needed to face the fact that I could never take that moment back. I just needed to be stronger the next time I meet him.

The sound of a doorbell rung throughout the house.

I went down the spiral stairs and then walked to the door.

I opened it, revealing a royal messenger. Being in the palace for quite sometime, It wasn't hard to recognize one.

The man wore a black uniform with red and gold badges, he had light brown hair and beard he held a cream colored invitation in his hand and a rose in the other.

"For you," he said Bowing.

"Oh, thank you.." I smiled taking the items. He smiled and nodded his head. "Have a good day."

I closed the door and I walked to the living room. I lied the single rose on the table and I looked at the envelope.

To: My love ❤️
From: Justin

I rolled my eyes and began to open it.

Iman, I'm really sorry if I upset you yesterday. I realized my actions were kind of...irrational, but I only acted that way because as you know, I still love you, and no one else deserves to see what's beneath your clothing.

He has such a way of apologizing....he's basically saying he's sorry...but saying he's not sorry as well, by justifying what he did.

My mother's birthday is coming up in two weeks and I wanted to ask you properly, this time, if you could attend. It would be just fine if you agreed, the twins would also love to see you there...the ball is going to be on Aug.2nd. Let me know if you're coming by next week.

I hope you attend,

I'm definitely going, I had no reason not too. Well, Justin is a reason I could choose to not go, but it was going to be Pattie's birthday and I wanted to make the twins happy by going.

My phone began to ring. I put the envelope down and picked up my phone.

"Hey what's up Toni?" Asked into the phone after looking at the caller ID.
"Hi, Iman, I was wondering if you have a minute to talk?" Iman was on her way back up the stairs.

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