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^This is so true, everyone read^


"Papa..." Justin heard a small voice.

The king looked forward and saw a small crack in the door. His eyes traveled lower until he saw a full head of curly hair.

He saw tears running down Janice's face and he creased his eyebrows. "Janice?" He asked getting up and walking over to her.

Janice started to cry harder. "Shhh." The king said picking up his daughter and holding her properly. "What's wrong, Baby girl?"

Janice wiped her eyes. "You don't love me.." She cried. Janice was so heartbroken.

Justin felt his heart sink. He was so shocked to hear that from her. "What? No Janice, I love you. Why are you saying that?" He asked creasing his eyebrows in confusion.

She sniffed and Justin crouched down, wiping away her remaining tears. Why does she think I don't love her? I love Janice.

"B-because..." She muttered.

"Because what, princess?" Justin asked frowning and rubbing her back.

"Y-you don't play with me anymore."

"I'm sorry, Janice.."

"And y-you don't give me kiss a-and you always wo-working-" she began to choke back sobs. Justin picked her up.

"Janice don't-don't cry. Daddy's sorry okay? " Justin said trying to calm her down.

"And you always with her!" Janice yelled. Every time she'd try to go to her dad's room, the maids told her she couldn't. And when she'd wait there, she would see Miranda and Justin walking out.

When she tried getting her dad to go outside with her, he couldn't because he was always working.

He never had time for her anymore and that made her think he hated her. Her mom never treated her like this.

Janice all in all felt neglected by her father and that especially hurt because he is the most important male in her life.

Besides her brother and her two favorite uncles that is.

Justin took her words in. He put the pieces together and it was obvious that everything Janice was trying to says was true. He realized he didn't really put in much time for them and the way Janice was crying, this really affected her.

Jaedon probably felt the same way.

Justin also Remembered Iman's words. Her saying that Justin wasnt being attentive to the kids and not spending enough time with them rang in his head.

Justin frowned. He didn't want his kids growing up thinking he didn't love them, or growing up resenting him.

There's a saying that children love those who take care of them; and Justin really needed to do his part.

Even with all the family members did staff in the palace that loved Jaedon and Janice, thst still needed their fathers attention and love and Justin wasn't being fair. 

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