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-No one-

"How strange.." Iman said looking at the papers she received from Justin. But nonetheless, he signed the papers and that's what she wanted him to do in the first place.


"I honestly don't have a favorite artist.." Iman told Toni.

"Oh come on.." He found that hard to believe. Probably because he himself had a lot to pick from.

"No seriously, I don't. I can't really pick, they're all good."


"Okay okay, wow. Pressure much? But I'm into paintings of landscapes....so Thomas Cole." Iman said. The palace had a ton of his artwork so she learned to love them.

Toni rolled his eyes.

"You're just mad I didn't say you."ban narrowed her eyes.

"A little bit.." He chuckled.

"Sorry Toni. But you're up there with my top three." She laughed. "There's just something unique about Thomas Cole though. Even his landscape pictures tell stories. For an example, there could be a picture of a man bringing his horse to a river. Just the way everything is drawn it makes me wonder where he and his horse is coming from, if he's on a journey or not. Stuff like that." Iman explained.

"It's cool, I understand what you mean. I've seen a few of his work. Very talented." Toni said back.

"When are you going to be finished?" Iman asked him.

"Right.....about.......just give me like another fifteen minutes."

"That's what you said an hour ago." She said chuckling.

"Okay but this time I mean it.  And you were kind of slowing me down.  As an artist, concentration is very important."

"Mhm okay Toni." She crossed her arms and walked around.  Toni just smirked and looked over his work. "Haha don't worry. After Im finished with this, I have to get it framed, and then I'll send it to you."  Toni said.

"Thanks by the way." Iman said.

"No problem at all, my queen." He smiled.

"You don't have to say, my queen at the end.." Iman said. By now she felt that they were friends, and she didn't want her friends being so formal with her.

"Isn't that the polite thing to do?" He asked her. Hopefully he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Yes.., but I take you as a friend of mine. It doesn't sound right, you being so formal with me." She said looking at him.

"So we're friends now?" He joked.

"Unless you don't want to be." Iman said raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm just kidding, it means a lot that I can call you my friend." Toni said. He never thought this would ever happen.

All Iman did was smile.


"Mother, I think he's gone mad.." Jazmine whispered to Pattie as she saw her brother alive and well at the breakfast table.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now