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-week later-

"What do you think about Jérome? Or Jonah? Or j-"

"I think it's beautiful." Iman cut him as she closed the bathroom door, fixing her hair as she was making her way towards the edge of the bed where her notebook was. Justin watched her as she did so.

He watched as the red silk robe contrasted with the color of her skin and how even her side view was stunning.

"What about Jaecob?" He asked her.

Iman chuckled, finding it funny how he didn't get the hint.

"Iman, are you listening to me?"

"Do I have a choice?" She asked with a little grin on her face.

Justin laughed, folded his arms , and smiled. "You don't seem excited. " he said simply as Iman turned around to look at him, creasing her eyebrows.

"I am excited."
"It's just a bit too early to be talking about this, like I said earlier. And plus, we're thinking of ideas for our wedding right now." Iman said erasing something in her notebook.

She couldn't think clearly about wedding plans with him getting into her head about popping babies.

Justin licked his lips and creased his eyebrows a bit.

He was getting a negative vibe.

"Does this topic make you feel uncomfortable?" He wanted Iman to tell him how she was feeling.

"It's not that it makes me uncomfortable, I just feel like we're rushing into things. We need to take one step at a time, Justin." She said a soft as she could.

"I don't think coming up with baby names is rushing. When we were just dating, we came up with baby names for fun." Justin says in his defense.

She was being...different.

"And we were rushing, Justin." Iman stressed out.

Oh Jesus.

"I haven't even chosen the type of wedding dress I want, Justin." She chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

Justin nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "You're right." He got off the bed and scratched his head, heading towards the bathroom.



"No, he isn't with me right now." Iman said into her phone as the chauffeur opened the sleek car door for her. "Thank you." She whispered to the man with a smile in which he returned before closing the backdoor. "My pleasure, Miss Iman."

When Iman got situated in the car, she returned back to her phone call with Juliet.

"Justin is with his royal advisors for a couple hours which im thankful for." Iman chuckled.

"With him around, a conversation can never be completed." Juliet scoffed. She couldn't even keep track of the many times Iman had to let her go because Justin needed something.

"More often times than not." Iman laughed.

"No. not often. Every time."

"I wouldn't say every time, If that were the case, me and him would have fought."

"Iman, you left me over the phone to have shower sex with him."

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now