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No one

"Congratulations, man." Toni said to Daniel as he explained his relationship with Maria.

"Thank you." Daniel said. "So you and my sister?" He asked Toni. He was a bit curious as to who exactly Toni was to Iman. Especially since her divorce.

Their outfits were corresponding to each other, so Daniel assumed they were very close.

"I'm just a close friend to her." Toni explained putting his hands in his pockets. His response was kind of odd to Daniel because the way Toni looked at Iman..

"You like her don't you?" Daniel asked him with a smirk.

Toni blushed and smile. "I'd be a liar if I said I didn't."

"Well just to let you know, she's kind of off limits." Daniel said looking into the distance, seeing Justin looking at his sister up and down as she was talking with her friends.

Toni followed his gaze and chuckled. "No kidding..." The king is obsessed with her..I mean, I would be too if I had a woman like her. "Yes I'll admit I have some feelings for her, but right now as I've noticed and got to know Iman, she needs a friend, not another relationship."

Daniel nodded his head, agreeing with him. In a way Daniel felt bad for the guy. He had a feeling that Iman would eventually get back with her Ex. Whether it be now or later.

But Toni was also smart about the situation. Yes he had feelings for Iman, but he didn't dwell on them because she didn't need to be in a relationship, she was still healing. Right now the best thing Toni could do was be there for iman. He didn't want to make her confused.

"You're a smart guy." Daniel said to him.



"Where are the twins?" Juliet asked iman.

Iman rolled her eyes. "They left me to play with their little friends." She said and grinned at the end.

"Oh Iman, it'll be okay." Maria laughed, nudging her.

She just smiled.

"I just want to say thank you talk of you who came! This means a lot to my mother." Iman and everyone heard Justin say through a microphone.

She looked up and saw him smiling at the swarm of people.

Many of us took our seats.

I saw his eyes shift to me. "Men, you look handsome. Women, you look breathtaking." He complimented the crowd making them chuckle.

"Remember to enjoy yourselves and give the queen mother your wishes. I love you mother, have a blessed birthday." Justin said looking at Pattie and the audience aww'd.

"That was sweet." Maria smiled.

The music then resumed.

Iman watched as Justin whispered something to the man in charge of the music, as he looked at Iman.

Suddenly the music changed to a slower song. 

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now