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A week later...

"So you believe that it was your father's death that lead to those series of events?" Mr. Dubois asked Justin as he quickly wrote something in his notebook.

Iman turned her head towards Justin and bit her lip as she looked at him. She knew he was finding this counseling thing very difficult, but she inwardly praised his efforts in trying to cooperate. Iman also knew that his father was a very sensitive topic for him and he rather not discuss his death or anything revolving him that would cause him sink into a negative mood.

Justin loved his father, and it was evident that everything he did was to please him.

After a few minutes of silence, Justin spoke. "Shortly after my Father's death and my crowning I.....I just, I can't even explain how I was feeling." The king said, still looking down refusing to look up.

"Please, your highness. Try." The councilor said in a reassuring tone. He said it in a way to that it would make Justin feel more comfortable spilling his true feelings.
Justin deeply exhaled. "I just needed his guidance. I felt like he left me too soon. It was just too much at the time. I couldnt say I could not handle what was given to me." He said running his fingers through his hair and turning his face to the side.

"Why not?" Mr.Dubois askedyryibg to get more out of him.

"My pride was....in the way..." Justin let out slowly.
"Did you feel alone?"

"Yes. I knew at the end of the day, I was king and no one else. I didn't want anyone handling what I am supposed to do. I felt like my father would feel all his training was for nothing." Justin said truthfully.
"Is that why you pushed your wife away?"
Justin didn't answer. The room became quiet.

Another second passed and Justin still did not answer, causing Iman to frown. The councilor thought of another approach. Adjusting his thin glass properly above his nose, he turned his attention to Iman.

"Iman, how did you feel during that time?"
"Truthfully," she started and laced her fingers together. "I felt like I was losing my worth. I felt like... this royalty thing was not for me, and I felt, most importantly, very ignored."

"Ignored? Please, if you can elaborate on that."

"I felt that when he started what he had been training to do since birth, he put me to the side." Iman said nodding her head at the end. "I felt like I was just...there."

"I see. Do you have something to share your highness?" The aging man asked the King, catching him from the corner of his eye, looking at Iman.

"I am sorry that I made you feel that way, Iman." The distaste and shame he felt could be picked up on by the tone of his voice.

Iman also said something in reply. "I didn't marry you to become queen one day, Justin. I married you because you were you."
Justin's face softened at the last of her words.

"I just wanted you to know that I grew to love you, Justin. Everything about you. Your jokes, your charisma and charm, your romantic side, your deep and intelligent side, your courage,your handsome face...I grew to love it all. If I didn't know you were royalty, I wouldn't have felt any different for you." Iman let him know.

"Did all of those characteristics in him change?" The man asked Iman.
"They were still there, just not present, if you understand." She responded.

"I understand."

"Fighting would become constant...I just couldn't put up with it anymore. I craved for the Justin I knew once before. What scared me initially was the thought of Justin changing once he became king, and it happened."

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