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"Mama, how are you and dad?" I asked my mom as I washed my hands in the kitchen sink.

I was making dinner for Justin and I. He wanted to come over and keep me company. He said he missed me.

"We're fine, dear. How about you? Are you okay?" She asked concerned.
"Of course." I said. I soon felt familiar arms snake around my waist. I turned my head, seeing Justin and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

The action alone made me giggle and forget I was on the phone with my mother. "You sound excited. What's going on?" She asked skeptically.

I rolled my eyes. "It's Just Justin, bothering me as usual." I said playfully. "Oh really?" Justin asked and smirked. His dimples showed and were so cute.

"Oh! My son!" She said. Here she goes again.........I heard Justin begin to chuckle. We all knew how much my mother loved him.

"I want to talk to him." She said. I gave Justin the phone and he had a sheepish grin on his face.

"Don't say anything stupid." I mouthed to him.

"Yes, Mother in law?" Justin asked her with a smile. He walked a few steps away.

"......Yes it's been quite awhile. How are you?" Justin said into the phone as he leaned on a counter on the other side of the kitchen. "...Yes, we're fine now. Yes I've been good to her....yes she's been good to me.."
Justin looked at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"...she's making dinner for me." Justin chuckled and smirked at me. "Her cooking never fails. You don't have to worry about a thing, Maman." He answered.

Really mom?

"Yes, I do." Justin said. His tone got just a tad more serious. "Very much. I'm planning too, it's just too early." He said blushing.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You don't have to worry." Justin said to my mom before giving my phone back to me. He gave me a smile.

"Mom?" I asked once I had the phone again. "Baby you know I'm going to be coming back to France right?" She asked me. "Oh yeah, Daniel's wedding." I said.
"Mhm I also can't wait to see my grand babies."
"What about dad?" I asked her.

"He's surely coming. He wouldn't miss his own son's wedding, and of course he's just as ecstatic to see Jaedon and Janice as I am." She said back.

"He says he doesn't want to run into Justin though."
"Oh yeah..." I said and cringed. My Father really didn't like Justin. He used to but, not after the divorce. Especially after Justin switching it up at me during court.

"That's understandable.."
"He says he still doesn't understand what you see in him. Oh Michael." My mom chuckled at the end.

Sometimes you don't know what draws you to that specific person, but whatever it is, is something special.

"But anyway, I'm going to leave you to Justin." She said.
"Alright mama. Take care." I chuckled and ended the call.

"What did she say?" Justin asked standing next to me. "She and my dad will be coming here for Daniel and Maria's wedding. I can't wait."

He nodded his head. "When is it again?" He asked. "February, which is next month." I answered. And after February, it's Justin's birthday..

"I'm still waiting on the invitation to go." Justin chuckled. I cringed.
"Daniel might not invite you, but Maria will. " I laughed.

"Oh, my mom wanted me to show you this." I took my phone and scrolled through my gallery, finding an old picture of Justin and mother together. Justin's arm was around my mom while my mom had her hand over him, with a big smile on her face.

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