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-No one-

"Divorcing him," Mr.Dubois started, twirling his pen in between his fingers. "Did you feel like it was your escape?"

Iman rubbed her palms together. "Yes in a way. I grew very very frustrated." He nodded.
"What exactly was it that caused you to just make up your mind?" He asked curious.

"Justin and I had a very intense argument last year..."


Iman felt her heart sink. "Help. I'm just trying to help. You're not the only one who's ruling this country. And I'm a queen, you know i'm supposed to be by your side."

"Apparently there are some things that you still don't understand about ruling or politics in general and I'd honestly like for you to stay out of it." Justin said firmly.

"What do you expect Justin? If I knew that I'd be married to the Prince and become future queen, I would've been studied politics a long time ago", Iman deeply sighed.

The hard work was stressing Iman out enough, and Justin's lack of support isn't helping.

"I'm trying my best Justin just please bare with me", Iman said. She hates arguing with her husband.

"How about you stop trying altogether. It's not like you were much help anyways", Justin said getting fed up with her.

Iman turned to him trying to process the fact that Justin just said that to her. Her eyebrows furrowed knowing that he wasn't joking but unfortunately being very serious.

"So what are you trying to say then Justin? I'd love to know." she said crossing her arms.

"You're surely not fit to be a queen. You don't even know what the fuck you're doing. "he said walking towards Her.

<End of flashback>

"He said some very hurtful things to me. Thinking about it now, I can still feel the jabs in my heart that I felt the first time he said some of those things." Iman answered him. Reliving that experience was definitely not on any list she had.

"I told him that I was leaving." Iman added.
"Did you mean it?" Mr.Dubois asked gently.

Iman looked down and then straight at him. "I did and I didn't. I was going to leave but not permanently. I would eventually come back shortly."
"What made you decide not to come back?"

"Justin took me and what I was saying as a joke. He didn't even stop me either. He just laughed."

"Your highness?"

Justin rubbed his hands down his face and didn't remove them. "I was angry in that moment and I felt the need to shake off what she said and deal with something else. I also didn't think she'd leave."

"Okay, Iman, when you told your family you were divorcing him, how'd they take it?"

"Um," she laughed. "They were all very shocked Justin and I's marriage had reached to that point. My mother discouraged me from doing it, my father told me to do whatever I thought was necessary and would make me happy, and my brother gave me a little I told you so."

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