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"By now you've arrived at the home of our youthful love and beginning. Open the door, Justin. Take a seat and feel at home." I read the pink paper aloud.

A smile stretched my lips and I shook my head back and forth with laughter as I opened the door of my mansion Iman and I lived together in a couple years ago. I was just a prince, she a cafe waitress, and we both...in love.

"Iman," I said my wife's name with laughter.

Intense memories hit me.hard. As I opened this door for the first time in years. Nothing had changed. No renovations, everything had been the same since the last time I had came here. Our past floated around this big home and my heart pounded violently against my chest, wishing it could go back in time and relive those immature adventures.

I reread the last lines of the paper and took a seat in the cream sofa. I raised an eyebrow as I realized I had sat down on something, making a wrinkling  sound. It was another pink sheet of paper. I took it from underneath me and smoothed down the wrinkles with my palms.

"I bet you're thinking what I'm thinking. I miss the memories we made here too, my love. My favorite was the first time we became one. You know where to go."

Quietly, I took myself up the long stairs and to the bedroom where I made love to Iman the first time. She gave me her virginity here. I closed my eyes, the memory so vivid and alive as I entered the room. Everything in place as it were before.

I saw another clue sitting on the large bed. The pink paper glowed against the dark blue that was my bed.

I picked up the sheet.

"I went to this area of the house whenever I was in my thoughts or when I was missing you. I went to this area whenever I just couldn't figure out what you saw in me.  The past is in the past, and I brought you here to tell you that we still can be as happy as we were back then. You know where to find me."

I folded the piece of paper and put it in my back pocket. I smiled as I headed towards the balcony, eagerly too. I wanted to see my wife, and ask her what this all was really about. I stopped in the middle of my tracks when I saw a dark pink bear in the middle of the hall. It didn't look familiar, neither do I remember it ever being in this house. It was new.

I picked it up and observed it. There were no words On it, nothing. Nothing giving me a clue as to what this could represent. I continued my quest to find Iman and I smiled warmly as I saw her through the sliding glass door. She was leaning against the railing of the balcony. Her arms were folded as she looked at the backyard. When Iman heard me, she swiftly turned around. And smiled widely. Her eyes immediately settled on the pink bear I was holding.

"So this is what you have me doing?" I asked her laughing, holding up all the pink sheets I've collected in the air. Iman giggled and covered her mouth, shaking her head. I smiled and sat the parts on a small table in the corner. The small bear was still in my hands. I made my way over to the beautiful woman before me and wrapped my arms around her, lifting her up. "Justin," she laughed, placing a hand on mine. I could feel the cold ring she was wearing against my flesh.

"Tell me what all this is about...or are you going to make me guess?" I whispered against her ear as I put her down.
Iman turned to wrap her arms around my neck. She looked in my eyes intently and lovingly, like I was the only man she ever knew. Like I was everything she ever wanted and more.

"I thought you'd figure it out by now, Justin."

I furrowed my eyebrows. " hm?" Figure out what?

Iman had glanced down to the pink bear I was still holding. "Did you read the back of the paper I gave you?" Iman chuckled at how clueless I probably looked. "Back of....there was a back?" I asked her surprised. I ran back to the table and took the last sheet I put down. I flipped it to the other side, and it read "open the zipper on the back of the bear."

"Oh.." I laughed embarrassed. I glanced at Iman a few times before looking at the bear I held. I turned it around and there was indeed a zipper behind it. How come I didn't notice it before?

I unzipped  the curve and what I had saw, made me raise both of my eyebrows in total shock. There was a pregnancy test in it. I looked back at Iman who just smiled at me. I slowly turned my head back to the pregnancy test and held it up. I flipped it over and read the results.

My fingers trembled as I held the object

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My fingers trembled as I held the object. Iman was pregnant. No. Iman IS pregnant. She held my face between her hands and brought my face down to hers. Our foreheads were against each other's.

"We're pregnant, Justin.  Again."

I was speechless, completely lost and in a state of shock. This news was unexpected, unannounced, I had no idea. Iman laughed hard at my facial expression. She knew I was happy, and I didn't even have to say anything. She stood on her toes as pressed her lips against mine, giving me a short kiss.

"I love you." Was all I said to her. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. "I love you more." She told me.

"How far along are you?" I asked her, still shaken. There will be another addition soon...my God.

"10 weeks."

I closed my eyes, tears freely falling from my eyes as I thought of how things could have fallen perfectly into place. I had this woman, I lost her, and now, I have her again.

Not everyone could be this fortunate, so I promised myself I'd do everything in my power to not allow anything to come in between me and this woman, so dear to my heart, again.


The end

Wow I'm so happy I've finished this book. It's been awhile. I started this book in late 2015....wow.

Thank you to all those whose supported me and stuck around, it meant a lot  and it sure has been fun. 

Once again, thank you.

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