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"What should I do?" Iman sniffed and wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks.

Autumn gave her friend a pitiful look. The question Iman asked wasn't simple nor easy. It was very complex and couldn't settle for just one swift answer.   She stretched her long smooth legs along the couch and rested her head in the comfortable arm rest as she thought.

Autumn's eyes bounced off of the walks in the common room and back to iman's face. "I'd tell you to leave him, but there are two blessings in the mix. And to be fairly honest, the best interest for them is to be in the comfort of you and their father."

Iman closed her eyes and sighed. She knew this. Since Justin left for Switzerland , the only thing that took her mind was what she was going to do about this. Iman had came to the conclusion awhile ago that Justin didn't deserve her, or another chance.

But her plans was what conflicted her. She wanted Jaedon and Janice to grow in a stable environment and have the satisfaction of knowing that their parents love each other, and aren't going anywhere. But the idea of faking it that everything is okay and masking how she really felt sickened her.

During those one and a half years of what Justin and her were going through, was what that was. And it resulted terribly at the end.

Iman felt so frustrated.

She didn't want to be with Justin any longer, but her heart said another thing.

She wanted an easy solution to this problem, but her predicament said another thing.

"Love isn't easy, Iman. So a solution to this won't be easy either." Autumn spoke.

Iman kept her silence. Her head was hurting. From the crying, and excessive thinking.

"How about this," Autumn said sitting up.


"Where is Iman?" The King asked a maid as he stepped out his room. He had just gotten done taking a long hot shower that he needed to clear his mind.

On the outside, he looked more sane. But on the inside, there was such a storm.

The maid bowed in respect. "She is with Autumn in the common room, your highness."

Justin nodded his head and went to hopefully do what he intended on doing when he first arrived back. Cowardly backing out of dinner wasn't the bravest approach, but he felt that Iman would blow off more steam if he wasn't around.

The King was about to enter the room when he heard voices, one which made his heart sink as well.

"Well what exactly makes you so upset? I know there are many things, but which are the major ones?" Autumn asked Iman.

Justin bit his lip and decided to listen closely.

"Well first, I just want to start off by saying that I'm aware that what Justin decided to do was in the past. I've also taken into consideration that we've been through a lot to get her..." Iman started.

Iman's had enough time to think things through.

"But a few things really pain me. The first being him completely going behind my back and cheating on me of course. It's something that I still can't even fathom." Iman said furrowing her eyebrows in disbelief.

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