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Quick question: *What is the worst thing you could ever say to a man?*

No one

"This place is packed." Maria said as her eyes danced from person to person.

"Definitely..." Iman said looking around.  "You sure you want to go out into the public? " Maria asked her.
"Yeah, of course." Iman responded. "I think I'll be alright." She said again.

There was maximum security everywhere and there were under cover guards following them.

"Iman, that Toni Mahfud guy you were talking about is seriously talented." Juliette said looking down at her phone. "I told you."

"And that drawing of you, absolutely perfect. I've seen it almost everywhere since yesterday." Juliette continued, scrolling through her phone.

Iman still couldn't get that painting of her, out of her head. It was so nice to know that someone spent so many months and time just to make a picture of her come out perfectly.

"Iman, does he know you're coming?" Maria asked, as they maneuvered around people. "He might, he might not. All I know is that he's going to be super excited to see me."

"I would be too. The queen literally stopped by to discuss my artwork!" Juliette whisper shouted. That must've been a wonderful experience for Toni.

Iman chuckled. "I feel like Autumn should've came with us. The group isn't complete."

"Eh she's alright. " Iman said. Her and Jaxon were together doing who knows what.

Usually if Autumn couldn't participate in an activity with her friends, it was most likely because Jaxon made plans. If there was anything that Iman learned from the Bieber men, it was that they were very clingy with their women.

So clingy sometimes it was annoying. But, you just had to deal with it.

"Are there any artists you two want to meet?" Iman asked her friends.

"Not necessarily. I'm just here to look around. I really want to see dancers though, and what they'll be performing in the theatre side of the festival." Maria said.

"Same thing." Juliette said.

"Okay. You two wouldn't mind if we stopped to see Toni Mahfud's art work hm?" Iman asked them. "No we wouldn't." Juliette answered with a grin.

"Alright ladies lets start looking."


"Oh my, look!" Maria pointed to a colorful random painting.

"What about it?"

"It's so........artistic."

Iman snorted. "Maria, it looks like someone sneezed all over it."

"It depends how you look at it.." She said rolling her eyes.

"Iman I actually didn't expect you to agree going out with us to this festival today. Especially with everything going on." Juliette said. She realized it's been awhile since m they all went out.

"With everything going on, it's actually good I came. At least now I can take my mind off that." She said referring to her current situation.

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