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^^everyone read that^^

-no one-

*explicit scene*

Miranda's tongue ran up Justin's shaft and she then swirled her tongue around his head. Justin clenched his jaw and then he let out a throaty groan.

Miranda smirked as her grip on Justin's shaft tightened. She kissed the tip again before taking him in his mouth. "O-oh shit, Just like that Iman..fuck you're so good."

If there was anything Justin enjoyed about sex, it was receiving head and Iman was so good at giving that to him.

But it seemed at this moment the king forgot Iman wasn't pleasuring him at this moment.

Miranda creased his eyebrows and stopped what she was doing for a second. That was not her name....

He's still thinking about her...Miranda began to grow upset.

Justin ran his fingers through her hair and gripped it, guiding Miranda's mouth to meet his thrusts. "I'm so fucking close..."

Justin felt that familiar feeling of pleasure as he released in her mouth. "Iman.." He moaned out. Justin didn't realize this, but he was missing Iman more than ever.

Miranda felt hurt yet again but she didn't want to disappoint the king. She swallowed just like he liked it, and sucked him clean.

Justin was feeling so much better after that.  He was very spent and tired and decided to just turn in for the night. "How did I do?" Miranda asked crawling on top of him.

"Great as always." He said giving her ass a squeeze.

Justin's phone rang. From the tune he knew it was from Jaxon.

"Hey Jaxon," Justin says as he picked up the phone.

"I don't mean to disturb anything you might be doing but........,"

"But...?" Justin creased his eyebrows.

"I don't know how to put this, but your-I mean Iman just collapsed like ten minutes ago...and she's on her way to the hospital right now.." Jaxon let out awkwardly.

"Wait..what?" Justin asked feeling his heart sinking down to his stomach.

"Yeah I knew she wasn't feeling so well. All if a sudden she just fell in my arms."

Justin cursed.

"Are you alright?" Miranda asked him, creasing her eyebrows. What was going on?

"Shit shit shit, is she-is she-is she okay?" Justin stuttered. He moved Miranda off of him.

"I honestly don't know, but mother,  Jazmyn, and I are on our way to the hospital."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Hey I thought you were busy." Jaxon said in his defense.

"Fuck..just give me directions to this hospital." His heart was beating super fast and he just didn't know what to do.

Jaxon sighed and gave him the directions.

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