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No one

"I hate this movie." Toni said getting back on his phone.

"We're not even half way done with it." Iman said chuckling. She on the other hand was actually enjoying the movie.

"Is it too late to leave in the middle of the movie?" Toni asked her.

"Aren't you the same one who picked this movie?" Iman asked him, squinting her eyes.

"You picked this romantic comedy movie, iman. Not me." He said laughing.

"Oh yeah...you're right....." Iman chuckled.
"I don't feel like getting up right now, though. So.....lets just wait until it's finished."

"Iman this movie isn't even hilarious...." Toni said.

"You're just trying to start something, Toni." Iman said catching on.

"You caught me. Sorry, I was just trying to spice things up, since I'm bored." He said with a grin.

"Mhm." Iman rolled her eyes.


That night

"I'm sorry to bother you my king, but your children insist on seeing you." Nadia said as Jaedon and Janice poked their heads through Nadia's legs.

"Alright, come in you two." Justin smiled as the twins did the same and ran in with their blankets flowing behind them.

"What's all this?" Justin asked , walking towards them

"Daddy can you tuck us in?" Janice asked batting her eyes repeatedly with a sweet smile.

"Daddy can you tuck us in?" Janice asked batting her eyes repeatedly with a sweet smile

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"Yeah!" Jaedon said.

"Okay, I guess I can take a break." Justin stretched.

"You still working, daddy?" Janice asked him, pouting.

"No no, I'm finished. Let's get you two to bed huh?" Justin asked, as he took both of their hands in his.


"You two already bathed, yes?"
"Yes. Grandma helped us and me and Jaedon splash water on each other." Janice giggled.

"That sounds fun." Justin took them to their room. "What else did you two do today?" Justin asked them.

"Me and Janice played tag and I win." Jaedon smirked, proud of himself.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now