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No one

"Once they stepped out of the vehicle, Justin's first instinct was too hold her by her waist as they walked inside, but knowing that Iman certainly wasn't in the mood, and he feared she might slap him again, he didn't.

I miss being able to hold her..Justin said in his head. It just felt so weird not being able to touch her.

"There's no one inside.." Iman muttered seeing no one through the glass windows.

"That's good. Also, I just had this restaurant reserved for the night. I wanted it to be easier for us to talk.." Justin said to her. Of course.

As they entered the restaurant, Iman realized how familiar it was. It was the first place that Justin took Iman too. Their first date more like it. It's been awhile since they've came back here.

"How is my favorite king and Queen?!" I heard a voice tell from across the room. It's frank, the chef, I know it..Iman thought.

A round man with a chef's uniform came into view, opening his arms wide and Justin smiled doing the same. They hugged before pulling away.

"My king, how are you? It's been awhile since I've seen your face around here." Frank said putting both his hand on his wait, standing up tall.

"I've been a very busy man." Justin shook his head, smiling.

Frank's eyes shifted to Iman. He smiled and removed his hat, politely bowing. "A very busy married man." He corrected Justin.

"How are you, my queen?" He asked her. "I'm fine, Frank. Thank you for asking. Yourself?" Iman asked him.

"Oh it's not about myself tonight, it's about my favorite couple. Come on, follow me." Frank said leading the King and Queen to their seats.

Justin had a great view of Iman's behind as they followed the chef. Justin thought of grabbing it like he'd usually do, but that wouldn't end well at this moment.

"Frank, you know my favorite wine."
"Please just give me water."

Frank nodded and left to get their drinks.

Iman wanted to be one hundred percent sober on this date. Justin could pull anything at this moment.

"Iman, relax." Justin told her.

"I am relaxed."

"No, you look really uncomfortable and upset."
"Don't, Just don't." She rolled her eyes.
"What did I do, Iman?"
"It's what you're doing, that I don't like."
Justin sighed. "Please elaborate."

"You want to treat me as if I'm nothing to you, and then when I'm done with it, and I dont want to put up with you anymore, you want to make things right between us or make amends."

"I'm sorry Iman. I know it's not fair, but please, let's put all that behind us?"

"You want me to push a year's worth of unhappiness behind me? That's going to be a little hard, don't you think?"

"I understand that...but that's the best thing to do right now."

Before Iman could say something, Frank came back with their drinks.

"Are you ready to order?"

They said what they wanted and frank went off to prepare the food.

"You wanted to go out because you had a motive. So can you please get it across?  I don't want to be on this date, as much as you don't either." She said to him.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now