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"Come on Janice, sit still for mommy." Iman said making sure Janice's head was forward as she did her hair.

"But mommy it hurts." Janice pouted. "I guess I won't do it then." Iman chuckled. "No noooo, I'll be quiet." Janice pleaded her mother. "That's exactly what I thought, Janice." She chuckled.

"I'm almost done." Iman smiled, finishing a braid.

Justin opened the room door and peeked his head in, seeing Iman doing their daughter's hair. He smiled and came in. "Your hair looks beautiful, baby girl."

"Thank you." Janice cheesed.

Justin smiled at Iman and she returned it.

"Okay all done sweetie, now where's your brother?" Iman asked her, getting up and stretching.

"Jaedon's already dressed. He's very ready to head out." Justin chuckled.

"Alright, excuse me you two, I need to get myself ready." Iman blew kisses before leaving the twins room.

"Mommy wait," Janice said and started following her out the door.

"I guess no one cares about me anymore." Justin chuckled.

"I care about you, papa." Janice giggled.

"No you don't." He fake pouted. "Uh huh!" Janice said hugging his legs. Justin winked at Iman for her to hurry and leave before Janice got to her.

"I care about you this much!" She opened her arms wide. Justin chuckled and began tickling her, making her squeal and scream and try to cover herself.

"No! Haha s-stop! Ahh!!!!" Janice laughed as Justin continued attacking her with tickling. "Dad stop!" She was laughing uncontrollably.

"Ah fine." He said rolling his eyes.

"Bad, daddy!" Janice hit his arm once she got herself together.

Justin pretended to be hurt and rubbed his arm. "That hurts, Janice."

Janice stuck her tongue at him and ran out the room before he could tickle her again.


"I love your dress, mommy." Janice said as Iman slipped on her shoes."Thanks baby."

"You look beautiful

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"You look beautiful." Justin whispered to iman, making shivers go up her spine. "Thank you." Iman said kind of quickly before taking the twins hands and exiting the palace with him following behind.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now