Chapter 2- Mosquitos and is that Iron Man?

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It was next morning; Tohru lazily abandoned her jacket, and most of her gear already. She sat around in her jeans and tank top, and surfed the TV channels.

"Why won't the villain just attack when the hero starts monologuing?" She asked loudly frustrated at the anime playing. She abandoned the channel and went to the news. Saitama watched her slightly amused, and started filling his green elephant watering can.

"It appears a big mosquito outbreak is upon the city." The newsman said and the screen brought up multiple images of animals dried up; seemingly drained of their blood. Tohru froze and turned to her attention to the screen with disgust on her face.

"Ewww! Mosquitos are so gross! I mean I'm tough and everything but those little pests, just no." She said and stuck her tongue out

"And now we have an outbreak of them." Saitama said.
"Why do you hate them so much, they're annoying yes, but still." He added
"Let's just say there's a memory involving mosquitos that I'm not too fond of." She said and then shuddered. Saitama just shrugged and made his way outside, leaving the door open, to his cactus.

"We now have mosquito expert Mr. Kafetch who has written several books on this." The male newsman brought up another older looking man.

"Thank you for having me. About the mosquitos they seem to be an entirely new race so I have no idea." He stated. "Well isn't that great." Tohru said sarcastically.

Breaking News
"This just in a swarm has been sited in City Z. All citizens are to not go outside." Said the announcement.

'Wait, this is City Z then that means..Aw no no no!' Tohru thought.

A loud slap surprised her and she turned to see Saitama flailing around his balcony trying to squish..

'Is that a mosquito?!' Tohru thought in horror. She quickly grabbed a can of bug spray and threw it to him.

"Saitama, quick catch! Kill it!" Tohru said and she chucked the can towards Saitama. He caught it and started running after the mosquito like a maniac.

"Hey wait for me!" Tohru yelled; she jumped off of the balcony and followed him forgetting both her gear and weapons.

"Come my children, give up all that blood you collected. Oh yes!" A giant women exclaimed, no not women, more like a freaky mosquito monster. She surrounded herself with the mosquitos filling herself with blood in a manner. Down on the ground a young teen was also at the scene (heh, rhyme) observing the monster above

A blond male hung around on the abandoned streets, he raised his hand and fired a large mass of fire right at it. The monster dodged and looked down. "Well don't you look delicious." She murmured. She ordered her band of mosquitos towards the male, only for them to be blown away at an instant. The male attacked the women in a frenzy and managed to rip off her legs.

All while this is happening Saitama came up randomly screaming after the mosquito, Tohru following suit. She then noticed the big fight happening, and tried to warn Saitama who was currently preoccupied. "Get back here God dammit!" He screamed spraying the can. Tohru then turned her attention to the empty street and found a strange confrontation new teen a giant mosquito lady surrounded by an army of mosquitos and a man made of metal? No wait, scratch that, he was a cyborg actually.

"Uh Saitama I think we should run." She said looking wide eyed at the mosquito swarm. Tohru patted around her body in search for her weapons finally realizing that she forgot them.

'Fuck! I forgot my pistols! Smooth move Tohru!' She berated herself in her head, and then turned her attention to the mosquitos.
'Ugh mosquitos, why'd it have to be mosquitos?' she thought. The cyborg made notice of their presence.

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