Chpater 16- S class meeting

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A few days later, Genos got a call from Bang. He invited all three of them to his dojo; that's where they currently were at the moment.

"Rock Smashing Water Stream Fist!"
Bang performed his signature martial arts move. There were light streams everywhere. Tohru's eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands in amazement.
'This old man has some moves.' She thought.

"That's about how it goes. Want to give it a shot? Saitama, Genos you seem quick to learn things. If it's you two, you could be able to learn this in no time." Bang said. Tohru would've volunteered, but martial arts weren't really her forte. Sure she knows a couple of arts, but she was more of a long ranged fighter.

"I only can because you said you would show something cool, not join your dojo. And I'm not interested, Genos you try." Saitama said.

"I'll have to pass as well. I don't strive for defensive techniques, what I go for is destructive power." Genos replied.

"I wish I could, but I like long distance better. Sorry." Tohru said bowing her head slightly.

"How dare you imbeciles mock the Rock Smashing Water Stream fist! I, Charanko, master Bang's best disciple shall put you back in you place!" Charanko yelled at the trio. Genos glared at him and then quickly grabbed him by his throat.

"I give! I give!" He exclaimed choking a bit.

"This is your best disciple?" He asked.

"Whoa! Genos let the dude go!" Tohru exclaimed; he did so and the boy fell with a thud.

"I heard that your dojo was filled with skilled fighters Bang?" He turned to Bang and asked.

"Hmm, well it wasn't until one of my disciples decided to go on a rampage. All my skilled disciples were disabled for life because of him and all the new ones got so scared they quit." Bang said.

"Disabled for life?!" Tohru exclaimed.

"What's his name?" Saitama asked.

"His name was Garou. He was my best disciple, but I had to expel him after giving him a good beating." Bang explained.

"You must be strong then old man." Saitama said and Tohru sweat dropped.
'Does he not know that he's Silver Fang?' She thought.

"Idiot! How can you not know the famous Silver Fang?! Class S rank 3 hero; leading his enemies by the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a strong punch and skill! A true martial artist! You're just that newbie who just made it into B-class aren't you? You're in for a world of pain if your insult him further!" Charanko yelled at him. Wow this guy really likes to yell doesn't he?

"Be quiet Charanko! Saitama is many a times stronger than me!" Bang yelled back at him. Charanko seemed very surprised at that statement.

"Mr. Silver Fang!" A voice can from the entrance catching everyone's attention. There was a man in a suit who didn't look so hot. His hair was disheveled and his tie out of place.

"I'm with the Heroes Association, an emergency meeting has been issued for a theS-class heroes. Please come to headquarters immediately!" He yelled out of breath. He noticed Genos there too.

"Oh, you're here too Mr. Genos?! We were told to gather all S-class heroes so you have to come too!" He exclaimed.

"Is it a Dragon level threat?" Genos asked.

"Charanko, watch the dojo while I'm out." Bang told his disciple.

"Master, you should come with us. We may need your power." Genos said.

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