Chapter 20- Lobsters and Martial Arts

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Another normal day for the trio, they were invited again to Bang's dojo. The reason...well it wasn't an emergency or anything.

"It's quite a bother to send me this many, it's just me and my only disciple after all." Bang spoke in his cellphone.

"Remember when that one disciple wreaked havoc. Fine I'll keep it, take care brother." He said and finally ended the call. He turned to the group.

"That's that, my older brother sent me these lobsters and I can't possibly eat them all on my own, could you help me out?" He asked and the trio eyed the lobsters.

"Dude, these things are huge." Tohru commented while poking one of them.

"There's no escape, we'll help I guess." Saitama said.

"Thank you, sorry for the inconvenience." Bang said.

"You could say that again. I thought you invited us here for something important. Master is a busy man, if you need someone to eat these then call someone else." Genos said with his usual glare face.

"Hey stop Genos!" Saitama scolded.
"Genos chill!" Tohru exclaimed at the same time.

"But if I don't turn him down, then people are going to see Master as a person who's easily persuaded by food." Genos persisted. Tohru patted his shoulder.

"Ok, so even if there isn't any danger Bang invited us here nicely. It's not like we need to only go out for emergency's. Besides I like lobster." Tohru said and showed her grin. Genos glare softened, he'll never admit that he had a soft spot for the gunslinger girl.

"Genos, it's at times like this where we need to help people as best we can. We're only helping an old man with his food problem." Saitama added; Tohru agreed. Genos got out his diary and started writing swiftly.

"I need to write that down!" He exclaimed and Tohru sweatdropped.

"For this amount of people, I think Hotpot should be sufficient." Bang said.

"Oh! Hotpot's good, I never tried it so I want to have it!" Tohru exclaimed raising her hand. Just then Charanko walked through the door.

"Sensei, I brought the vegetables!" He yelled. He then noticed the trio, "What are those three doing here?" He asked. A realization suddenly hit him.

'I see, Sensei must still want those guys to join the dojo.' He thought.

"We're just here for food." Saitama said.

'And this guy's still acting all high and mighty.' He thought annoyed. They all spread out preparing different parts of the Hotpot.

"By the way Sensei, I heard rumors of some "Dojo Hunter" running around lately. There have been increasing victims and if this guy is a really strong martial artist then our dojo might be on the list." Charanko said.

"Don't you have cabbage?" Saitama spoke up randomly.

"We're having a serious conversation right now. Besides we have plenty of veggies so it's no big deal." Charanko said annoyed.

"No cabbage huh?" Saitama mumbled.
"Got a problem with that?" Charanko said getting more pissed.

"Hey, how dare you not make Hotpot without cabbage." Genos said putting on a glare.

"It's fine Genos we'll just have to do without." Saitama said.
"He doesn't even seem sorry." Genos commented.

"What's your guys' deal?! This is Sensei Bang's dojo." Charanko yelled.

"Is this how your dojo treats guests?" Genos retorted.

"You! Me! Outside!" Charanko yelled once more.

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