Chapter 11- Those Tank Tops

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3 days have passed since the Meteorite, and many people were now homeless due to the destruction caused by the fragments. Right now the trio was watching a news broadcast describing what took place.
Z-city has just avoided being annihilated by a huge meteorite. However bits of the meteorite scattered across the city causing huge ravages.

"You know, at that time, I wasn't informed that the association wanted you to go too Master. If you had collaborated with Metal Knight then we could've avoided all this damage." Genos said his with usual glare face staring at the TV.

"But wasn't he acting on his own or something? He would've been impossible to work with. Anyways I don't care about that." Saitama says.

"I think we've secured the least amount of damage possible. Not too many people died right?" Saitama asked. Tohru and Genos glanced at each other then back to Saitama, they already know the answer to that question.

'It's like Tohru said, Master outmatched the force of the meteorite, and its momentum decreased considerably only causing a huge shockwave.' Genos thought.

'But it was because of that shockwave that the bits flew everywhere. Also many people could not find shelter.' Tohru thought at the same time.

'I called you the miracle of City-Z, for good reason. People are gonna remember this for a long time, but..'

'What you fail to notice Master is that...'

'People see you as the villain that partially destroyed City-Z.' They both thought in unison. Tohru tapped his shoulder, "Should we tell him?" She whispered in concern.

"I wish, but right now it's too late since the city is recovering. People will start to freak out if the see him running around trying to help." Genos whispered back. Tohru felt really bad for Saitama, he was only trying to help right? Saitama put down his manga, "Oi Genos isn't the ranking out yet?" Saitama asked.

"Yes, in fact, all of numbers increased. I went from 17th to 16th. Even Metal Knight went from 7th to 6th. Tohru went from 10th to 9th; and Master you went from 342nd rank all the way to 5th." Genos said.

"Nice! That's a huge jump, congrats man." Tohru exclaimed giving him a small hug.
Saitama was stunned though, "What?! How did I go from rank 342 to rank 5 in one go?!" He exclaimed.

"Aren't you happy?" Tohru asked confused by his reaction.

"Sorta, but isn't it weird?!" Saitama replied.

"No, I wouldn't be surprised if you get promoted to A or even S class. You did just get rid of a Dragon level threat. Since the meteorite did not cause any fatalities, don't you think you should become S class at this point? I think the Heroes Association addressed that me and Metal Knight had bigger roles in the destruction." Genos said. Saitama thought to consider this and was beginning to look kinda nervous.

"Dragon level? The person on the TV said it was at least a Demon or Tiger level?" Saitama asked confused.

'Didn't he listen to the announcement they made over the intercom?' Tohru thought.

"Usually for a hero they take a look into the risk factor and decide whether to go or not." Genos said.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask, but how does this system work? I've heard things like Dragon and Demon level and all that, but I never really got it." Tohru asked with curiously.

"Here's how it works, there are 5 different levels:
1) the lowest is the wolf level, this the appearance of things that could become a risk.
2) next is the tiger level, where a large amount of people are at risk.
3)Demon level, where a city's facilities are either interrupted or destroyed.
4)Dragon level, this is where multiple cities are at risk for annihilation.
And finally 5) the biggest threat is the Divine or God level: the crisis in which mankind could be destroyed." Genos explained. Tohru put her palm on her chin and muttered an "oh."

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