Chapter 18 (Extra)- New Years, New Adventures

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"So close to the New Years!" Tohru cheered and she fistpumped. It was the morning of New Year's Eve and Tohru felt really excited. Even though she would not be celebrating the New Year's with her army buddies, she was celebrating with the two most awesome people on the planet. She bought everything while those two were out either fighting monsters or buying things, she didn't know because she slept in late for once.

"Ok, I have sweets, party poppers, what am I missing?" She said to herself and put her finger on her chin.

'Are tiny fireworks legal in Japan?' She thought to herself. Then the door opened and both Saitama and Genos walked through.

"So where'd you guys go?" She asked.

"The stores had a final sale today before they closed up for the New Year." Saitama said holding up a plastic bag.

"We would've waited for you, but Master insisted we go before they closed." Genos said.

"It's ok, only 9 more hours until the New Years!" She exclaimed excitingly and then cheered.

"Looks like someone's over enthusiastic ." Saitama commented.

"That's because, even though I won't be celebrating with my old colleagues, this will be the first year I won't fall asleep before midnight or have any interruptions before the countdown." Tohru said determined.

"And I'm celebrating with you two, so it's gonna be a great New Year!" She exclaimed and they showed their short smiles again.

There has been an Emergency Evacuation in T-city due to an unexpected attack by a small invasion by Imp-like monsters. Currently Disaster Level Tiger, but may change to Demon.

Tohru dropped the remote in disbelief.
'Really?! They couldn't have wait until after the New Year?!' She thought desperately. There's only 6 more hours left.

"We should probably head over there." Saitama commented. Tohru grumbled and got her things as fast as humanly possible.

'There's no way that those things are interrupting the New Year.' She thought.

In T-city, those Imp monsters were weak, but they were numerous so it took quite a while to see the numbers dwindle. There's also only 4 hours until midnight too, it's like Cinderella really, got to wait until the clock strikes 12. Tohru was beyond irritated and started shooting these things like no tomorrow. Genos and Saitama took different parts of the city, so these Imps were left to face her wrath.

"You fuckers are not ruining my New Year!" She screamed. Time to pull of the ultimate move. She pushed the barrels together and her guns formed the bow. She pulled the bow back and formed the arrow.

Artemis' Storm!

The arrow propelled forward and took care of the rest of the Imps. She breathed hard and pulled out her phone, currently 8:30 pm. She could make it back to the apartment and finally do the countdown.

"Now where are those two?" She asked. Something hard struck her in the back of the head, through hazy vision she saw one of the Imps. She blacked out and fell onto the pavement.

"oH gOoD yOUr uNConSCiouS, lET mE tAKe oVEr." The distorted voice spoke up. Tohru's outer body had her aura bursting out again.

'NOT ON THE NEW YEAR!' She screamed

The morphing stopped. Although she stayed unconscious on the concrete. Miraculously the two guys found her before the Imp could do more damage. Genos angrily blasted the thing to oblivion while Saitama carried Tohru back to the apartment.

Tohru finally woke up and rubbed the back of her head.
"How hard did that thing hit me?" She said rubbing the bump. She made her way out of the room and saw Genos in the kitchen and Saitama reading manga. Tohru went over to the table and sighed.

"Ah, your awake. Happy New Year Tohru." Saitama said simply.

"Wait what?! What time is it?!" She asked.

"8:00 a.m" Genos replied finishing whatever he was dong in the kitchen and went over.

"Then that means-" she said grimly and cut herself off. She sighed sadly, "Make that another year I missed the countdown." She said. The two guys felt bad for her since she's been planning this the whole day yesterday.
They both patted her shoulder, "Even if you missed the countdown, we're still here to celebrate with you." Genos said. Tohru grinned a bit. She kissed both of their cheeks gratefully.

"Guess you're right." She said and she took a party popper.

"Happy New Year guys!" She pulled the string and the popper sounded off.

'Here's to the new adventures we'll have!'

A/N: Short chapter because it's the New Year and I'm with family.
It also might suck, just saying. New Year's gift again.

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