Chapter 15- Lets Watch the Stars together

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Tohru was running through the black terrain, an all to familiar setting.
'This dream again, why?!' She thought desperately.


A voice spoke out again, but it wasn't her mother's voice. It was a lot more deep to be a females voice in fact. Tohru skidded to a stop, and she saw a darkened figure in front of her. He had the traditional army suit on, but his face was blacked out; so he wasn't recognizable.

"Tohru, forgive me."

"Forgive you for what? Wait that should be my second question, who the hell are you?" She asked the figure. It only backed away and disappeared.

"Hey wai- gh!" She clutched her head again.

"Oh, I nEvEr WOuld'VE ExPEctEd hIM tO sHoW."

Then, just like before, a bunch of images flashed through her mind. Except it was more intense than the Sea King. It was a ruined city, heroes, strange creatures that Tohru did not recognize. An image flashed and it showed a ship, and no not an ocean liner.

"wE'lL Be meETtInG aGAin sOOn. HoPE tHe aUdIEnce ENJoys tHe ShOW." The distorted voice said.

Tohru snapped her eyes open and did the same routine she did with her first nightmare. She was covered in sweat and breathing hard like anyone else who suffered a nightmare. She grabbed her backpack right next to her and took her phone. The screen illuminated and it read 4:26 am. She sighed deeply, yeah there's no way she's going to go back to bed anytime soon. She got up quietly and went into the kitchen and got water. After that she washed her cup, without trying to wake up the bald man.

'What is up with these nightmares? I thought they stopped after the whole Sea King thing. Why can't I remember what happened with the Sea King either. One minute I'm fighting it, I get thrown into a wall, and the next Genos appears randomly.' She thought. She turned to head back to bed when she bumped into something hard...and metal? She felt around a bit the looked up and saw Genos staring down at her with glowing eyes.

'How is it he's always the one to confront me when I'm in trouble?' She thought.

"Another nightmare?" He asked. She nodded and sighed.

"Apparently I was wrong when I thought they would stop after the Sea King." She whispered back. They both walked back into the room leaving the Egghead to snore away.

Tohru sat down on her futon and Genos followed her.

"You know you'll feel better if you talk." He said simply.

"Well you know nightmares. Scary, didn't make any sense. All I saw was this one guy with no face. The last one I had I saw a terrifying  version of my mother." She said and blew some hair from in front of her eyes. Genos listened and thought for a minute. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled into a hug. She was momentarily confused.

"Uhh, Genos wh-"
"Isn't this what some people do to others who have nightmares?" He asked and then looked at her with the most innocent expression.

"Sure, ok." She said and then yawned.
"You should get some sleep." He said. Tohru laid back on her futon and looked a little nervous.

"It's fine Tohru, nothing's going to get you." Genos said putting reassurance in his words. She rolled her eyes playfully and then closed them.

"Thank you." She said. Genos put on a tiny smile then smoothed her hair with his hand. After a few minutes he confirmed that she was asleep and then put himself in sleep mode as well. (I read a trivia thing and it said that Genos has a sleep mode so I'm adding that.)

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