Chapter 23- One hell of a Blizzard

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Tohru woke up feeling more refreshed than ever. She recovered from her fever last night, although she was still in a pensive mood. After that whole Behemoth incident she's been less talkative to the two guys for those days. She still smiled and joked with them like usual, but there were times where she got lost in thought. The two guys have been a lot more protective and attentive to her as well. She made her way to find the guys doing their habitual activities, Genos in the kitchen and Saitama reading manga.

"Morning!" She said and then grinned.
"Yo Tohru." Saitama said and showed a ghostly smile.

"Soooo, were there any monsters or stuff while I was stuck inside." She asked generally curious. It's been 3 days of being sick indoors and Tohru hated it with a burning passion. She would rather be outside exploring and kicking bad guy butt.

"There have been a few calls of Tiger and some Demon level monsters, but nothing me and Master couldn't handle." Genos said. She sighed, "Aww,
I really wish I could've gone and wasn't stuck inside the crummy apartment. Oh no offense Saitama." She said.

"Nah, I agree with the crummy apartment part." Saitama said.

"Since you're feeling better, we could go out on a patrol." Genos suggested.

"YES! Anything to get outside!" Tohru exclaimed. Her face beamed and sparkles surrounded her form again. She dashed and got her things; adjusting her goggles in her head she got outside and grinned. Genos met with her outside and Saitama followed after he got his suit on. They walked and talked normally around the abandoned area, and they decided to desperate for a bit. Tohru decided to tag along with Genos because it's been a while since thy hung out.
Genos and Tohru walked down the empty street, Tohru hovering her hand over her eyes and turning her head in different directions.

"Oh how I missed doing this." She said.

"Well it certainly was different fighting without the help of your guns." Genos commented.

"Heh, it's like the three musketeers without the third musketeer. I know, that's our new group name." She said and grinned to herself. Genos smiled slightly, even thought it's only been two days, he missed having these random conversations. Genos then sensed something and saw something flash in the distance; he stopped and looked at ever corner.

"I wonder how Egghead's doing...Genos?" She noticed him standing there.

"Aaannnd, you stopped. What's up?" She asked and noticed his gaze. Something flashed behind him and he quickly turned around and hit it to the side with a glare. Tohru jumped and then noticed what he hit, "That's a shuriken. No way, Sonic?" She called and a wind rushed right past her.

"Glad you remembered." He said standing a couple of feet away and smirked.

"How could I forget the oh so lovely encounters I had with you." She said sarcastically.

"You must be the so called rival Master told me about." Genos said with his glare not fading, and he moved next to Tohru.

"Wait Saitama's your Master?" Sonic asked. He then grinned widely.

"Perfect." He muttered quietly to himself.

'Oh god there's the creepy smile again.' Tohru thought and shuddered.

"Now I might have a chance to gain an advantage against Saitama. Now that I have two of his closest people here with me." He said in a low tone and grinned wider. Genos put an arm in front of Tohru.

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