Chapter 4- Sonic Why does that Name sound Familiar?

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Somewhere in the streets of the city it seems as though there were people protesting; disrupting the peace in the process.

"Why do we have to work?!" A bald man yelled. Why do we have to pay money for food; why can't we share it? What's free in this world where the rich grow fat and the poor die?! Is it fun? NO! That's why I Hammerhead leader of the Paradise Group will change this world into one with work and the rest get financial support!" He screamed.

"Boss no one's listening." One of hammerheads colleagues commented nothing the crowds of people passing them by.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed angrily
"Dammit! If they won't listen then we'll force them, let's go level the mansion of the richest multi-millionaire." He announced
"Yes sir!"

The group of bald criminals went over to a huge skyscraper.
"This skyscraper is what he calls his home sir." One commented. The leader looked up observing the huge size.
"He couldn't have earned that much legally. Alright tear it down!" He decided. One of the men's fist morphed into something big and punched the building. It collapsed causing dust to fly.
"Targets been destroyed." He said
"These new battle suits really work their magic. They're worth every risk." The leader commented.

"Ah sir, it was the wrong building. It seems as though it's further ahead." One guy with a map said.

"No matter we're only human. Ok then we'll just move and crush the place." The leader announced.

"Hold it right there!" A voice rang stopping them. A guy in armor with a bicycle stopped in front of them.

"Riding the Cycle of justice. I'm Licenseless rider." He said with confidence. The crowd cheered loudly.
"A hero huh? How pathetic." Hammerhead commented.
"Here I go!" He charged in for a punch, only to be knocked out instantly.

"Someone call 119!" (Reverse emergency number in Asia).
Back in Saitama's apartment; Saitama was sleeping soundly sprawled on his futon. Meanwhile Tohru was once again channel surfing after having breakfast of course. She left out a plate of eggs and bacon she made for Saitama waiting for him to wake up.

"AAAAAH!! Don't play rock, paper, scissors with a booger on your finger!" Saitama suddenly screamed jolting awake. Tohru jumped at Saitama's sudden awakening and dropped the remote in the process. She clutched her chest to calm her heart that was now beating erratically. Saitama was breathing hard and looked around.

"Just a dream. Ah good morning Tohru." Saitama said with his usual face noticing the female.

"What is up with your dreams?! You keep surprising me with you waking up like that!" The female scolded the bald headed male. He just shrugged and turned to the TV.

"The terrorists that call themselves The Paradise group continue their attacks after their rampage in City-F." The announcement said.

"First monsters and then terrorists?" Tohru murmured listening intently.

"Several heroes have tried to stop them only to end up in the hospital. The identity of their leader has just been discovered. The criminal Hammerhead, wanted for several Class B crimes. He weighs at 210 kg and is 2.15 m tall." The news continues to mention things involving the government.

"Hey Egghead, maybe you should step up and stop these guys." Tohru said glancing at him.

"Nah, it sounds boring. I think I'll stay out of it." Saitama said simply and then gargled into the sink. Tohru turned her attention back to the TV and an interesting announcement brought both of their attention.

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