Chapter 17- Extraterrestial Terror

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The sky King couldn't even start its attack because it was sliced in half by a..a..weird looking creature that had multiple heads and wings and its hand morphed into a hammer. That wasn't even the strange part, no, what was strange was the gigantic ass ship flying above the city. Beneath it flashed and the city below it laid in ruins, that city was in fact A-city.

"What was that?"
"No idea."
"It was flying so I killed it."
"Good idea."
"Protect the ship."
It had a small conversation between its 5 heads.

Below them, a man coveted in iron armor lifted himself from the debris; meet A-class rank 2 Iaian.

'I followed Master Atomic Samurai to A-city, and was staying at an inn waiting for their meeting to finish. I don't know what happened after that.' He thought observing the area. He looked up and found the ship.

"What is that?! It's huge and floating! Did that thing do this?!" He exclaimed. Behind him the creature that killed the Sky King attempted to crush him between its large hands, but he dodged just in time and only his helmet got smushed.

"You think I wouldn't recognize a killing intent behind me?" Iaian said grabbing his sword. He took a stance and then quickly sliced the thing. The thing didn't die though, it simply split itself up. Iaian looked in alarm until they were sliced again only this one had twice more power. There was Atomic Samurai there to save the day.

"You ok Iaian? Ah you left arm." He muttered.
The things kept coming and they went straight towards Atomic Samurai.

"Sword attacks have no affect on them. Just leave me and retreat!" Iaian exclaimed.

"You're in my way." Atomic Samurai exclaimed. He ferociously swung his katana in different directions and the creatures dissipated. The rest of the heroes were there too, fighting their butts off. Metal bat was fighting ferociously as he swung and stuck one of the creatures. It had no effect except leaving quite a dent.

Tohru was there and somehow got separated from the two guys. Bang saved her from a piece of rubble crushing her and now she's with his group.
She stood there as well waiting for anything to come at her.

Ba-bump Ba-bump

There was that heartbeat again as she clutched her chest while trying to keep her ground.

"Everyone! Physical attacks have no effect on him, we should fall back for now and think of a plan!" Iaian yelled.

"All I know is to smash!" Metal bat exclaimed whacking another one. Wow Hulk much?

"Physical attacks are my specialty. You can't teach an old man new tricks." Bang said.

"Same here, sorry dear Iaian." Puri Puri said.

"Do you not believe in me Iaian? There's nothing I can't cut." Atomic Samurai said and Iaian looked at the guys with an exasperated expression.

'If physical attacks don't work..' Tohru thought.
She took her Father's journal and flipped through the pages. She stopped on a page that said Extraterrestrials.
There's so much to discover about these creatures...
Tohru skipped through the long writing.
Many different types have many different weaknesses I've discovered. A majority of them are unknown. However if you shoot through the middle of its head or in that area, that might contain a weak spot.

She aimed for its head dead center and pulled the trigger gaining a direct hit and one of the things tore into pieces.

"Yeah!" She fistpumped even though she was in pain.

"YoU cAN't kEEp Me cOnCEAled fOrEVer."

Mezalgald! Come back to the ship right now, we have to get rid of the intruder!" A voice communicated with the big creature currently fighting both Bang and Puri Puri prisoner. You're probably wondering who the intruder on the ship is right? Well let's just say a certain bald head man made his merry way onto the ship after they destroyed A-city. Anyways the creatures communicated about Saitama being on the ship, we'll cut back to Metal Bat.

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