Shit just got ridiculous...

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I feel like its getting more and more stupid xD
Sleep is for losers.
It's 3:15 A.M.

You were sitting in your room.
As soooo sudden.
The brothers come in.
Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu tied you up.
And then a second later you were in the street.
They both carrying you tied up like a pig that's gonna be roasted.
You didn't have any time to speak a word.
They let you go.
They untied you and took of the tape on your mouth.
"Ouch!" You shouted from pain and rubbing the poor skin.
It's burning as hell.
"Damn it,Ichimatsu, be careful." You said to him.
He didn't give a duck.
I love ducks.
<(:) ...I think its a pigeon that got hit by a truck...
Like. Literally.
You looked at the sign of the building.
"Spa and Springs." You've read out loud."why did you bring me here?!"
They only picked you and entered the building.
There,you see all of them.
Ichimatsu accidentally dropped you down.
Yup,it was loud.
Boys greet you and when you stood up.
"I was busy with my projects and now you are disturbing me,guys!"
"You need to relax~." Said Todomatsu.
"In the springs?! With men?! Naked men?!" You pointed at Mr.Flag,Dayon(still burnt), and Dekapan standing naked.
They waved.
Jyushimatsu pointed at the V.I.P. springs/spa room.
"Ufh,fine." You accept to take a chance to relax.
Well,it was good for yeeeeeeew~
You sat in the springs.
All alone.
You grin.
"Well. I've a chance to relax."
O:Choromatsu! You are playing again!
C:"what?! I thought I'll play once!"*walks away back*
O:*sigh*"ah,alright,Jyushimatsu! Would you like to play?!"
J:*nods rapidly*
Jyushimatsu joins the party.
O:"Okay,Jyushi! Do you remember the rules?"
J:"Yup Yup!"
O:"Okay then! Who's wiener is it?"
C:"w-what?! I wasnt even playing!"
O:*devilish wink*
Everyone in the room laughs.
Well,you couldn't feel comfortable.
You feel lonely...
'There are least...'
O:"okay! Jyushimatsu,you're really good in it! Next question!"
Women at the other part glared at them.
'Oh,men..." They thought.
O:"Your association with this wiener?!"
Jyushi glared at it.
And freeze.
J:"__-___-Chan!" Then,he nose bleed.
O:*shooks his head*"Oh,Jyushi,that's not really nice."
"Especially when I am here."*stands behind the women part as other women giggled.*
Osomatsu tried to hide his nose bleed.
O:"____-Ch-an! I'm sorry. I didn't know you're here...."
Other brothers did almost the same.
They glared at you.
T:"____-chan,I thought that you wanted to relax.~"
"I decided to relax in a company." You said then.

I'm funny yet don't even know how to write fan fics.
Don't blame,please (t_t

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