Shut up!

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"Damn this level! Damn it to hell! ROSS IS A FUCKING SATANIST BASTARD!" Sean heard Mark's screaming from all the way down in his recording room on the other side of the house. He stomped down to Mark's recording room and banged on the door, tears in his eyes from just finishing Undertale.

"I'm not doing shit until I beat Ross's goddamned spring fucker!" He yelled through the door.

"It's hard to edit when your screaming your fucking-" Mark suddenly stood up and stomped over to the door and opened it, only to be greeted by Sean's tear-stained face and snotty nose. Mark, unaware of Sean's latest situation, immediately regretted yelling at Sean.

Mark pulled Sean into an embrace, started stroking his hair, and apologized over and over.

"What're you apologizing for?" Sean whispered.

"For yelling at you. I didn't mean to make you cry, Ross's levels are just really frustrating and hard and stupid and-" Sean stood on his toes and gave Mark a gentle, loving, shut-up-you-dork kind of kiss, which immediately stopped Mark's babbling. Sean pulled back and smirked at Mark, who looked as if he had just regained consciousness after being knocked out. In other words, confused.

"Shush, you weirdo. You scream too much at that game." Sean told him, playing with the buttons on Mark's shirt, twisting and pulling at them. He took hold of Sean's hand and kissed it.

"Coming from the guy who screams louder than a katydid every night." Sean's face lit up bright red.

"Sh-shut up!"


I left an external link to what katydids are if you didn't know :)

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