Losing Bets

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Idea suggested by @BopTaylor :
Mark and Jack make a bet. Whoever wins is the dominate and whoever loses wears the maid's outfit. I like your way of thinking, Taylor. There will be smut, so get your popcorn and cold rag, prepare yourself to scream.


"I bet you can't eat this whole tub of ice cream in three minutes." Mark said slyly as Sean pulled strawberry ice cream out of the fridge and threw it down on the counter. Sean scoffed and pulled a spoon out of the silverware drawer and threw it into Mark's lap.

"Betcha I fuckin' can. Give me the spoon, dickstick." Sean teased, holding his hand out for the spoon. Mark put the spoon in his boyfriend's hand gently, Sean closing his fingers around it and opening the container of ice cream.

May I inform you that the gallon wasn't filled to the brim with the treat, only a little under halfway.

Sean began to down the ice cream as Mark tapped his fingers on the table every second. Between mouthfuls, Sean'd press his tongue up against the roof of his mouth to prevent brain freezes, but he might as well should've prayed for it to stop.

Sean suddenly stopped and burped quite loudly. Mark laughed and waved his hand through the air in front of his face.

"Smell like strawberries or toothpaste, Mark?" Sean downed his last spoonful of ice cream. He had successfully eaten the entire tub of ice cream with just seconds to spare.

"Strawberries, really. Alright, what's the loser gotta do?" Sean wiped his chin and tapped his cheek, staring at the red-haired man. His mouth turned up into a grave smirk.

"You have to wear the maid's outfit." Sean said seductively, referring to the short skirt and black t-shirt that had rips and holes upstairs in the bottom dresser drawer.

Mark's face went bright red. Almost like his hair.

"That- That only fits you, though!"

"I have a bigger shirt that I may or may not have stole from you that you can wear. That skirt stretches, too. Dot be a wiener, come on." Sean stood up and grabbed Mark's hand, leading him upstairs into their bedroom.

He pushed Mark into the bathroom and shoved the maid's "outfit" in with him. With a bit of time, Mark emerged from the bathroom slowly, wearing the black shirt and skirt. He's always topped Sean, and he wasn't half bad. It was like, the first time he'd been the bottom.

"I thought you'd put some rose petals on the bed or something..." Mark said quietly, scuffling to stand in front of the bed. Sean finished taking his shirt off and threw it across the room, giving skirted man an eye roll.

"You deserve much better than just rose petals. You're too beautiful for roses. That, and I'm allergic." Mark chuckled.

Sean slowly approached Mark and pushed him backwards onto the bed, rubbing Mark's sides. He knew Sean had wanted to dominate him for a while now, and now was the time. Now was the time to give him what he wanted.

Sean ghosted against Mark's collarbone, trying to make him as horny as possible.

"Payback's a bitch, just like you." Sean whispered against Mark's skin, making Mark's hair stand on end.

He tried to keep his moans in, but it was quite hard when you're boyfriend bites your lip. Chill bumps quickly spread across the older man's skin as Sean licked and tugged at Mark's lip, wanting him to open his mouth.

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