Sledding| Part One

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"Faster, Mark!" Sean laughed as Mark pushed him down the snow-covered hill, Mark almost falling from time to time with a huge smile on his face.

Sean was with Mark in Cincinnati during Christmas vacation, and Sean enjoyed every second of it. Seeing Mark's family, where he grew up, going places unlike anything back in Ireland. It just beautiful.

He loved it when Mark sang to him to sleep and rub his sides, all the while planting kisses on the nape of Sean's neck, when they would make pancakes every morning for breakfast, when he would help Mark plan pranks on his brother, everything.

When Mark finally gave Sean one last push, he went flying down the hill. Sean's laughing slowly got quieter as he skidded away from Mark. He started to run after his boyfriend, tripping over the thick snow at his feet.

Mark's layers were slowly getting wetter as he trudged through the snow, his toes growing colder by the second and his teeth chattering furiously.

They had been outside for about an hour so, and it was starting to get dark, which meant it was going to be ten times colder.

"Sean!" Mark yelled for his lover as he ran lazily through the snow. When he didn't get an immediate response, his heart started to beat faster. Had Sean hit something and lost consciousness?

Mark began to run as fast as he could down the hill towards where Sean had been on route to try and find him, no luck. He checked under the scattered trees that were thrown about from last night's snow storm and extreme wind, and the trees that still stood strong.

But still, no luck.

"Sean! Come on, stop it, it's not funny anymore!" Mark yelled as his hands began to shake.

Mark finally found Sean under the sled he'd been on, it scratched and cracked. Mark hastily dug through the snow to find his boyfriend, only to find him cold, wet, and unconscious.

Mark dug the rest of Sean's body out of the snow and cradled him in his arms, running as fast as he could back to his car. He held Sean close, in fear he would loose him.

"Shh... Baby, it's gonna be okay... We're gonna get you all warmed up, then we'll... We'll cuddle by the fire... Doesn't that sound nice?" Mark talked at he jogged, mostly reassuring himself that Sean would be okay.

He opened the passenger side door of his car and sat Sean in the seat, taking his various layers of boots, socks, and pants off. He was soaking wet, and he didn't want his baby to be any colder than he already was.

Mark kissed Sean's forehead and cheeks as he closed the door, walking over to the driver's side and jumping in. He started his car and backed out of the parkway and started back towards home, calling his mom to make sure she knew they were both okay.

"Hey Marky! How're you and Sean doing?" Dee asked him quite cheerfully. "Your brother and I were just talking about you guys!" Mark cranked the heat up on full blast and reached his hand over to hold his boyfriend's ice cold one, now holding his phone up to his ear with his shoulder, steering with one hand and holding Sean's with the other.

"Look, Dee, Sean had an accident while we were sledding, and don't freak out!" Mark could already hear Dee's breathing become rapid.

"Mark, get home! Is he okay? Are you okay? Just come home, right now!" Dee ran her words together as she spoke.

"We're on our way, I have the heat cranked all the way up. Just get as many blankets as you can, I have his pants and socks off, I'll wrap him up and carry him in. Just make sure we have loads of blankets, just be ready when I get there, okay?"

"Okay, son... Be very careful, you've got precious cargo."

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