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Sean came out of the orthodontist's office in Mark's arms, too drowsy to walk himself to the car.

"You must think I'm weak." Sean mumbled as he reached up to mess with his rat's nest of hair. Mark looked down as he walked and shook his head.

"Why do you say that?"

"I can't walk mythelf. I can't even do a thimple thing I wath meant to do on my own by mythelf." By this point, he was forming run-on sentences nonsensical words. Mark chuckled quietly at his boyfriend's new lisp.

"You're just tired. It's okay. You aren't weak. You're my strong baby." Sean smiled as Mark opened the car door and sat him inside.

Again, Mark was carrying Sean into their home. Mark was contemplating inviting Dan and Arin over to cheer Sean up and out of his sore mood. Mark shook the thought away for a moment as he sat Sean down on the couch. He was a bit more aware than before, but his eyes still would flutter.

"I need to make a call, okay? I'll be right back." Mark kissed Sean's forehead as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Uhm... O-uh, okay." Sean nodded and rubbed his eyes as he leaned back into the cushions. Mark stepped into the hallway and dialed Dan's number. He answered almost immediately.

"What's up man?" Dan asked energetically.

"Just got Sean home from the orthodontist."

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling us about that. How is he?"

"Mopey. He said I must think he's weak just because he was too drowsy to walk out of the building on his own." Dan chuckled.

"He's a funny guy. He knows he's not weak, he's just too tired to realize it."

"Yeah. Are you and Arin doing anything right now?" Mark messed with his sleeve.

"No, not now. We've finished recording a week's worth of videos and we're bored as all hell."

"Ah, that's great! D'you guys wanna come over and cheer Mopey up?" Dan snorted.

"Yessir. I'll get Arin's lazy ass up and we'll be over in twenty." Mark smiled and began to walk back into the living room.

"Alright! I'll see you then. Bye." Mark ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. Sean was looking at him with a questionable look on his face.

"Who wath that?"

"I just had to call Dan to make sure he got back from his vocal lessons okay." Mark sat down on the couch beside Sean and wrapped his arm around him. Sean laughed.

"You're acting like a contherned father." Mark shrugged.

"I'm contherned about my friend'th thafety and health." Sean punched Mark's arm gently.

"Oh thut up."

"Hey bro! What's up?" Arin greeted Mark as he opened the front door. He held his fist out to bump. Mark smiled and bumped fists with him. Dan stepped in front of Arin and blocked his view, despite their size similarities.

"The main attraction himself." Dan hugged Mark and patted his back. He pulled away and let Mark walk the two to a still gloomy Sean, who was still watching television on the couch in a blanket. He looked up at the men standing in front of him and an instantaneous smile formed at his lips.

"Dan! Arin!" Sean stood up and hugged both men, showing off his braces.

"Awe, nice! Your braces look pretty cool." Arin complimented. Sean shrugged.

"They're just light blue. It's not that cool." Sean crossed his arms over his stomach. Dan raised a brow.

"I like blue. It's actually my second favorite color. But hey, we came to game, didn't we?" Dan said, rubbing his hands together. Mark nodded and gestured to let Dan and Arin sit. Dan took the other side of the couch and left Arin to take the floor in front of him. Mark began to sit on the floor, but Sean let his hand rest on his shoulder.

"Can you get me a juith bocth?" Mark held back a laugh as he nodded and kissed Sean.

"You taste like metal."

"Dammit, I know. I tathte it too." Arin held back a smile as he grabbed the WiiMote. Mark came back with a juice box and handed it to Sean.

"Thank you thunthine."

"No problem thweetheart."

"Fuck off."


Thith wath tho muth fun to write tbh

Also, I'm thinking about doing a face reveal soon¿¿¿

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