I'm In Love With My Best Friend

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Sorry but I just love these


Mark didn't want to be in this relationship with... him. He was only in it for the sex, and Mark knew it. He wasn't completely null. He'd pull Mark aside for a while just to piss him off, get on his nerves for fun. It was really fucking hard to get away from him since they both went to the same school, and he kept an eye on Mark 24/7. But Mark actually had a friend. One friend. Jack.

He was clueless about Mark's relationship.

"Hey Mark, what's up?" Jack said as he was pulled into a broom closet. Mark's face had gone red and he was breathing heavily.

"You're not gonna go off telling people my personal shit, are you?" Jack shook his head, confused.

Mark pulled his sleeves up to reveal scars up and down his arms. Some jagged, some slanted, some straight across. Some new, some old. Jack put one hand on Mark's shoulder and grabbed his wrist. Mark winced.

"What the fuck? Why would you not tell me about this? Mark, there's no reason to hurt-"

"It was AJ." The noise outside the broom closet door had come to a silence, only one pair of shoes were walking, and it was yours truly's.

AJ rapped on the door as Mark pulled his sleeves down. "Get in the corner under those rags!" Mark hastily urged, shoving Jack into the pile of dirty rags in the hamper.

AJ whipped the door open, giving Mark a death glare.

"What did I say about hiding from me? Come on, dickstick." The taller, more masculine man grabbed Mark by the nape of his neck and shoved him out of the door. Jack, on the other hand, was furious.

"That asshole, doing that shite to Mark..." He said to no one in particular. "Wait till I see you again, I'll fucking rip your hair out."


"I'll meet you at the dorms, okay baby?" AJ cooed to his boyfriend, who was cowering in the taller's shadow. Mark nodded.

"What did I say about giving me proper responses?!" AJ slapped Mark across the face. No matter how hard Mark tried to hold back his river of tears, the dam always broke.

"Y...Yes-s da...daddy." Disgusting. A smirk spread across AJ's face.

"You know how to give someone a raise, Marky." He strutted away and joined arms with some cheerleaders standing by.

Before the dam had completely cracked open, he turned to run into the bathroom and hide in there until school was over. He turned and quickly ran into a lanky Irishman.

"O-oh, hey Jack! What's up? Ready to go to class? Did you finish your homework? Because you can copy mine if you haven't finished yours! Anything for you, Jack!" Mark hastily said, bouncing on his heels as tears ran down his face. His smile was forced and his laugh seemed painful.

Jack took Mark's hand and led him to the bathroom, sitting him down in the last stall. He shut and locked the bathroom door behind them, now having total privacy.

"Can you explain to me why you're still in a relationship with that douche?" Jack asked, leaning against the wall and letting Mark calm down. He shook his head.

"I-I... He said he'd.. hurt me if I didn't do what he... if I didn't do what he told me to, s-so I can't... b-break up with... with him..." Mark croaked. His nose was running and mixing with his tears. He looked a mess.

"Mark, I can take care of him for you." Jack suggested.

"No you can't, he's gonna-" Mark broke down again. More tears ran down his face and onto his jeans.

"He's gonna know I sent you and he's gonna hurt you!" Mark yelled, throwing his hands about. He quickly swallowed his voice again as he was about as good as drowning in his own tears.

Jack sighed. "Look, Mark, I've had my fair share of boyfriends, and none of them loved me for me. I know what it's like to feel like shit and get abused by someone you love. I've told you my ma used to majorly fuck my shit up and hit me and smack me, and I got the hell out of there.

"And don't be coy, because I hear what he does to you at night. It's torture to hear you up there getting sexually, mentally, and physically abused. I can only imagine what's it's like for you on your end. I want you," Jack took Mark's hands away from his face and gave him a warm smile.

"I want you to feel good. Like, all the time." Mark smiled and wiped his tears away from his face.

"Can you get me some toilet paper?" Mark asked quietly, pointing at the roll sitting in the dispenser. Jack nodded.

"Need some snot rags for your widdle nosey-nose?" Jack cooed as he crawled to the dispenser. Mark giggled.

"Uh huh." Jack tore off a foot or two of the thin paper and gave it to the sniffling mess of a teenager.

After a few minutes of silence and the sound of Mark blowing his nose, Jack spoke.

"Hey Mark?" Mark looked up at Jack, his eyes still glossed over from crying.


"You know we've been friends since middle school?" Mark scoffed, looking around.

"I guess it has been, what? Six years already? Damn. Yeah." Jack crossed his legs and tapped his shoes against the tile floor.

"It has been. This is really fucking crazy, but, I love you, man."

Mark hesitated. "And I love you too, man."

"No, not like... Not like, 'Man, I love you bro.'. Like, 'I love you, Mark.'" Mark stopped blowing his nose. The bathroom went silent once again.

"Shit, just forget I said anything." Jack said hastily, correcting himself fixing himself to sit higher on the wall.

"No, I was hoping that was what you meant. Nobody would ever bring me into a bathroom stall and offer to beat up my boyfriend. Just for me." Mark looked down at his legs and smiled. "I love you too, Jack. And don't act like you didn't hear it, because saying that was hard enough already." Both boys chuckled, Jack standing and offering a hand up for Mark. He took Jack's offer and was pulled to his feet.

Jack led the way out of the bathroom, feeling for Mark's hand as he caught up. Their fingers would brush up against each other every little bit as they walked. Eventually, Jack just cut his shit and intertwined their fingers. Mark blushed.

"Dude, in the middle of the hallway?" Mark whispered.

"Yeah, everybody's in class. Wanna skip and go watch sappy shit on Netflix?"

"Hell yeah."

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