We Ran Out Of Milk...

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"Where'd all the milk go?" Mark asked as he opened the fridge, scanning it. Sean payed no attention, as he was laying on the couch with his headphones on.

Mark repeated the question, louder this time. Sean took his headphones off and put his phone down.

"Huh?" Mark sighed.

"Where'd all the milk go?" Sean sat on his knees facing Mark on the couch.

"Oh, I drank the last of it last night." Mark stopped dead in his tracks as he slammed the fridge shut, making Sean's bottles of wine waver on top of it.

"Why?" Mark stomped to his boyfriend, who had a confused look upon his face.

"...Because I needed something to hydrate myself with while I ate my midnight snack." Sean explained, knowing that Mark knew full well of his sleeping issues and his habit of getting up in the middle of the night. To be completely honest, they both had their fair share of terribly-slept nights.

"You couldn't have asked me to get some for today? I mean, seriously..." Mark turned around, leaning against the back of the couch.

"It's not a big deal, Markimoo, I'll just run to the shop and grab another gallon!" Sean stood and went for his keys on the coffee table, but Mark grabbed his arm. Sean looked up to a man with a deadly look in his eye.

"Don't 'Markimoo' me." Mark scolded as Sean retracted his arm back to his side.

"Mark, did you get any sleep last night...?" Sean asked, going to pat his boyfriend's shoulder. Mark threw his glasses off somewhere across the room and put his face in his hands. He shook his head.

"I didn't think so." Sean put his arms around Mark's waist, hoping to comfort him.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you over a gallon of milk." Mark said quietly, stroking the smaller's hair. Sean shook his head and pulled back.

"Sh, just go back to bed and take a nap."

"What if I have another bad dream?"

"Just yell at me and I'll be in there in three seconds flat." Mark pouted, starting off towards their bedroom. He stopped and leaned against the doorframe, turning to face Sean.

"...Can you come in here with me?" Sean chuckled.

"I've gotta get more milk for my Grumpy McGrumppants." Mark smiled halfheartedly.

"Be back soon?"

"I'll be back before you know it." Sean blew a kiss at Mark, who held his chest when he caught it. Sean smiled.

"I love you." Mark said, backing into the bedroom.

"I love you too."

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