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The raven-haired man sat bored at the doctor's office, waiting for his name to be called out. He was back due to his inability to process alcohol and it pissed him off he couldn't go out and drink with his friends anymore.

"Mark Fischbach?" The receptionist called, waving Mark forward. He smiled and stood up, dusting his pants off and fixing his shirt over his back pockets. She guided him down the hall and instructed him to sit down in one of the rooms, shutting the door as she left.

I need some Pringles, Mark thought. He pulled a pen out of his pocket, pushed his sleeve up, and wrote 'pringles in my mouth. shop' on the inside of his left arm. He chuckled at the sheer cheekiness that was his sense of humor and let his sleeve fall back down by his hand.

On the other side of the city, a certain green-haired Irishman was finishing up his cereal at three in the afternoon. He glanced down at his watch to check the time so he wasn't late to go to his classes.

Jack did go to a college, and he absolutely hated it. He didn't want a degree in hotel management, but he had to get a degree in something. He just wanted to stay home and play video games all day. But alas, he could not because his parents loaned him all that money to take his things and make a life in America.

In unintelligible little scribbles, the words 'pringles in my mouth. shop.' slowly appeared, as if someone was writing it on his arm and he couldn't see them. Jack jerked his arm outward, scared at why small scribbles appeared there.

"Rushed...?" Jack mumbled.

He slowly moved his arm back into inspect it. Nothing else appeared there, and he had gotten to the point that he thought someone had put drugs in his cereal when he wasn't looking.

He sat with a puzzled look on his face as he let his arm drop down on the table. He finished his cereal, then reaching for his phone. He dialed his college's number.

"University of Los Angeles, how may I assist you?" The girl answered. Jack immediately smiled, recognizing the girl's smooth, accent-thick voice. It was his best friend, Signe.

"Hey, Signe, I'm gonna have to-"

"Jack! Hey, where are you? None of your professors have seen you today and its way too early in the year to be skipping. I hope you aren't thinking about skipping. Because if you are, I'll have to put that down as-" Jack chuckled.

"Look, I'm fine, I'm not coming today. Something's happened and I'd like to see what's up. I'll tell you tomorrow when I investigate, alright? Please just don't put me down for anything." Jack begged. Signe sighed.

"...Fine. I'm only doing this because you bought me those tampons a few nights ago."

"Oh yeah, how's yer waterfall?" Signe hung up, leaving Jack to snigger to himself. He stood and gathered his hoodie, threw it on alongside his beanie, and marched out the door to the shop.

Mark jumped out of his car and quickly ran into the crowded shop, looking around for the biggest can of Pringles he could find. At last, he had found the destined tube, and at the other end of the aisle stood a lanky man with green hair ready to beat him to it.

Mark noticed he also had the word Pringles scribbled on his left forearm as well, but thought nothing of it.

He just made for the tube, as did the Irishman. They had both caught each other's glances with their hands wrapped around the last can of Pringles, sleeves pushed back messily and hair flopped into their eyes.

"Hey, I beat you to it, green bean." Mark taunted. Jack cackled maniacally.

"I don't think so. As we were having our stare off back there, I saw you'd written the same thing that's on my arm," They both slowly let the Pringles tube free, Jack pulling his left sleeve up and showing Mark his forearm. Mark sided his arm to Jack's. They both looked puzzled.

"That's my handwriting..." Mark spoke low and deeply. Jack began to shiver and shake. Mark reached a hand out and settle it on his shoulder, alarming the lanky man.

"Sorry, that's just really freaky." He met Mark's deep, chocolate eyes, a wave of relaxation washing over him.

"You know, I've heard if you write on yourself, it'll appear on your soulmate's skin in the same place." Mark said, a small, but noticeable blush covering his cheeks.

"Oh really?" Jack said, putting his hands behind his back and smirking. He tilted his head to the side.

"You wanna find out if it's true?" A smirk crossed Mark's face as well as Jack spoke.

"I-" Jack grabbed the taller man's face and pulled him into a kiss, the two men practically melting into each other. Their lips moved in perfect harmony, not stopping to pull away for air. But they both had to breathe sometime.

Jack pulled back, a thin string of saliva still connecting them. Mark wiped his mouth as a smirk crossed Jack's pink-dusted cheeks.

"I've always believed in that myth bullshit."

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