Sledding | Part 2

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"Dee! Do you have the blankets?!" Mark yelled as he got out of his car. Dee was standing in the doorway with a 8 inch stack of thick blankets.

"Mark, I got the thickest blankets we have! Take them and get him inside!" Dee threw the blankets to Mark as he opened Sean's door. He was kind of groggy, trying to form words unsuccessfully.

Mark wrapped the blankets around his boyfriend, lifting him out of the car and shutting the door. All the while, he was planting kisses on the man's cold forehead.

"Marhk...?"Sean's eyes fluttered open slowly, his accent laying heavily on his tongue. Mark kept planting kisses on his boyfriend's face. Sean brought his hand up to try and reach for Mark's face, but Mark gently snatched his hand out of the air and kissed it, placing it back at Sean's side.

"Shush, baby..." Sean's eyes closed slowly.

"Hey there puppy poo... Scoot..." Mark walked through the front door, shutting it with his hip and gently pushing Chica, which he brought with him on vacation, away. She quickly whipped back around and followed Mark into the living room where Dee was sitting with Mark's brother.

"Get him over here!" Dee rushed Mark, pulling him down in front of the fireplace. Mark rubbed Sean's sides, generating heat to warm him up as he pulled the blankets off of his upper body.

Sean's eyes would flutter once every couple seconds, trying to smile to let Mark know he was okay. Mark would rub the cold sweat off of his boyfriend's forehead every so often, kissing him quickly thereafter.


'Mark, comere please' Sean, who was bedridden by Dee, texted Mark at 11 PM.

He debated whether to text Mark or not, as he was probably asleep and his worry had faded. But in a matter of seconds, heavy footsteps could be heard clomping up the steps by their room, and Mark bursted through the door with messy blue hair strung this way and that.

"I thought you were asleep?" Sean asked as Mark closed the door and sat at the bottom of the bed, playing with the loose covers Sean hadn't bundled up in.

"Nah, I've been awake for a pretty long time. Haven't slept since my ten minute nap downstairs with Dee a couple hours ago waiting for you to get up. Now, whatcha need, my poor baby?" Mark climbed up to face Sean head on, running his hands down Sean's semi-cool face.

"Stop kissin' me arse, Mark. You know I hate when people do that." Sean poked Mark's nose. "I'm just cold."
Mark felt Sean's forehead, which was, in fact, cold.

"Come here, ya ice cube." Mark laid on his side, pulling Sean into the bend of his body and playing with his bright green tuft of hair.


:3 You're welcome.

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