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How's the new cover of the book? I worked a little while on it. By a little while, I mean almost an hour staring down at my phone and adjusting little bars.

Mark wondered where Sean was today; he'd left this morning without one word and he hasn't been back since. Mark finally did something he should've done a long time ago.

Call Sean.

He grabbed his phone from the coffee table and turned the tv's volume down, then calling Sean. It took a couple tries, but he finally got a hold of him.

"Hey Mark!" Sean answered happily. Mark let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey baby, are you okay?"

"Mhm. Sorry I left so suddenly this morning, I just forgot I had something scheduled. Felix was talking about it yesterday, so I decided to get one myself." Mark was confused, to say the least.

"Get one what?"

"What?" Sean pulled the phone away from his ear to reply to someone, then pulling it closer again.

"I said, get-"

"I know what you said, doofus. I was just answering someone's question. Look, I'll just have to show you when I get home. You're gonna like it. A lot. I'll be home in a little bit, okay honey?" Mark nodded and pushed the hair out of his face.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

"Mhm." Sean hung up, leaving Mark to wonder what this mystery 'one' was.

Maybe it's a puppy, Mark thought. Or a kitten! No, he's allergic. It might be those wireless headphones he's been talking about getting! I know Felix has some.

A rough hour went by as Mark sat in confusion and anticipation of seeing what his boyfriend has to bring home for him to see. Finally, Sean burst through the front door and threw his keys and phone on the counter. He kept his hoodie on as he sat down beside Mark.

"Hey babe!" Mark said, kissing Sean as he leaned in. Sean nodded and pulled back quickly.

"Hi! Wanna see that thing I was talking about?" A wide smile stretches across Sean's face as Mark nodded.

"Okay," Sean pulled his sleeves up and showed the inside of them to Mark. On the right wrist, it read, 'You're my weakness,' and on the left, 'You're my strength.' Immediately, Mark's faint smile turned into a wide grin.

"I got these because it reminded me- no, because when I saw these, all I could think about was you." Sean's smile grew wider. "I hope it isn't weird or anything," He mumbled, sitting his hands in his lap and looking down at his tenderly wrapped wrists. Mark shook his head and knitted his brows.

"It's not weird, it's really sweet. I can't believe when you saw them, you thought of me of all things." Sean laughed, reaching out and running his fingers up and down Mark's arm.

"Of course I'd think of you, you little shit." Mark laughed.

"Well, I love it." Mark gently held Sean's hands and brought each wrist up to kiss it softly, as not to hurt the fragile skin.

"You're so good to me, Mark." Sean whispered as he scooted in closer to Mark. He let his arm settle on Sean's shoulders.

"I could say the same to you."

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