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The booming thunder filled Sean's ears as he tried his best to sleep. He'd taken almost every medicine that was to guarantee slumber and none of them worked. He was still wide awake, even at 3 in the morning.

"Mark?" Sean whispered, looking up at his boyfriend. Mark barely opened his eyes and looked at Sean, a smile spreading across his sleepy face.


"I'm gonna go take some more NyQuil, I can't sleep for the life of me."

"Okay baby. I love you," Mark mumbled, quickly returning to sleep.

"I love you too." Sean slid out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen, reaching for the handle of the top cabinet.

Lightning lit up the dark room as Sean grabbed a hold of the door. His hand began to shake, waiting for the thunder that followed. After a couple seconds of the thunder not occurring, he decided it was safe to reach into the cabinet and pull the bottle out. Alas, thunder cracked outside, causing Sean to drop the bottle. The pills scattered the floor.

"God fucking-" Sean cursed, staring down at the many a pills that had fallen there. The thunder boomed outside again, Sean sliding down the counter to the floor and balled up in the floor. He rested his face in his hands and began to cry.

Ever since he was a little boy, thunder had him scared to death. His mother told him to never go outside when it was storming because the lightning would "get him," and he's just been scared of loud noises for as long as he would remember. He always thought it peculiar, as screaming at video games was his profession.

"Sean?" Mark had just arrived to witness his sobbing boyfriend surrounded by pills.

"Mark, please," Sean looked up, his eyes puffy. His arms were outstretched.

"Oh, baby." Mark cooed, bending down to pick Sean up and cradle him. He continued to cry.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Mark whispered against his distressed other's neck. Sean raised his head and pushed his nose into Mark's shoulder.

"I don't like the thunder, Mark. I dropped the... the bottle of pills in the floor." Sean spoke softly, his crying easing. The thunder cracked, but not as loud as it had before.

"I know, I know. I'll clean it up tomorrow. I'll make sure that damn thunder doesn't hurt you." Mark said, sleep still thick in his voice. Sean smiled as Mark started back into their room, gently settling them both in their bed.

Mark wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist and gently blew cool air in his ear. In no time, both men were fast asleep.

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